Chapter Twenty Nine - Confusion

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**Warning! There's some steamy stuff in this chapter and 'vocabulary.' You have been warned**

[A/N] - I am so sorry for the late upload! DirecTV had a mix up and turned off the internet for almost a week, like wtf! Anyways, during that time, i was writing chapter 29. Also, I loved the comments in the previous chapter. This chapter's dedicated to lion_queen for her awesome thoughts on the next chapter xD You guys are awesome-- AND I HIT 200 FANS! I'm so happy xD Anyways, enjoy guys :D

                                    ~ Chapter Twenty Nine - Confusion ~

End of January


   Zachary claimed he needed to have my class every day so I switched him in both of my available classes. When I finally made my decision, changed two classes and officially settled him in my classes, I realized that I placed him with Azura. I groaned and sighed. I was about to switch him out when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I looked at the caller ID to see Mr. Chavez.


"I figured you'd be awake at this hour."

"Mr. Chavez, stop worrying about me. I'm a grown m-"

"Get rest. You've been stressed nowadays. " said Mr. Chavez sternly, "What's up with you?"

"...Relationship problems." I said with a sigh, "I lost the only girl I love. It's like everything's done. I love her so much... but she's slowly moving on. I know she still loves me though."

"Maybe you should do the same." he replied nonchalantly, "I've had my fair share of women, Vincent, and each one of them screwed me over in different ways."

"But I don't want her to leave me. She won't even look at me unless she has to.... I mean, I saved her from many things... but... I still found a way to hurt her, insult her, shame her..."

"Ever thought the problem was you?"

"I never thought the problem was me, I always knew it was me."

"Then fix it." he replied before a sigh, "Good night, Vincent. It's 3 AM, get some sleep."

"I could say the same about y-" CLICK!

   I tiredly wiped my eyes and glanced at the clock, the minute hand hitting the 12. I walked up the stairs, Azura's faint scent still lingering. I finally reached my room and plopped down on my bed, smelling Azura's pillow. I sighed and a small smile crept on my face. I'll get her back, I know it. I must be pathetic, smelling a pillow and wishing it was my girl. It's been about a good month since Azura been here, but I made it seem as if she walked through this very house every day.

   I miss her so much. Her and Zachary have been closer than ever and it's tearing at my heart. I know she still feels the spark. I know she still gets goose bumps when my arm brushes against hers, my eyes staring at her brown orbs. When I stare at her beautiful face and she slightly blushes trying to avoid my gaze; My eyes captivating hers and taking her under my spell. These little gestures alone tells me that she stills feel it-- she still loves me. I happily sigh and glance at my phone on the dresser. 3:31. I yawn and close my eyes, feeling myself slowly fall asleep.




   Azura and Zachary walk into my classroom, their chattering filling my ears.

"That was so funny!" laughed Azura taking a seat.

   Zachary sat next to her, him still laughing.

Loving Mr. Maxwell [TeacherXStudent] .:COMPLETE:.Where stories live. Discover now