Chapter Nineteen Part III - Paranoid

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                                                 ~ Chapter Nineteen Part III - Paranoid ~

I could help but to laugh at loud at Vincent's facial expression.

"It's not funny! That's Miss Lou's car..."

  Raising an eyebrow, I gave him a questioning look. Who was Miss Lou? I remember him mumbling her name one time when I woke up in the middle of the night.

"Who's Miss Lou?" I asked.

  Vincent looked at me as another crack of thunder was heard.

"She... she saved my life." said Vincent under his breath.

"If you don't want to talk about it, then it's okay."

"Thanks, Azura." he said smiling.

   We both sat on the bed as Vincent looked me in the eyes. 

"Actually, I want to tell you."

"Are you sure?"

   He hesistated for a while and nodded.

"Miss Lou saved my life on a snowy day. I was roaming a forest...."

  As he told me the story, tears couldn't help but to crawl down my cheeks. Many emotions flickered through his face as he told me everything.

"It was cold, so cold. I was bleeding and oblivious to what was going on. Then Miss Lou came. She saved my life and I'm grateful for it. She inspired me to become a chef because of her amazing cooking. She even told me to become a teacher because of how smart I am. I thank her everyday of my life. Azura... you must wonder why I fear death so."

"It's a natural fear." I whispered wiping my tears.

"I know...  but I don't want to die, never. I want to stay on this earth and always protect you." 

"But Vincent... I can fend for myself too. I'm not as weak as you think I am."

   A blinding flash of lightning covered the room as a piercing sound of thunder cracked in the sky. I held on to Vincent tightly as burried my head in his chest. Vincent held on to me like this until the storm was finally over. When he went outside, he nearly cried when he saw the damage. 

"Miss Lou... I promised to always keep this in good condition... I'm sorry."

"How old was she?"

"75 when she died."

"And she gave you this car?"

"Yes... and taught me how to drive."

   I sighed and hugged Vincent. Remembering that we're outside, I told Vincent that I'll be in his bedroom. Going upstairs, I went on his laptop to check my Facebook. After going through all of my notifications, I decided to check Vincent's.

'Life is amazing when you're in love <3xx'

   Seventeen likes. I like Vincent's friends. One of them said,

'Who's the unlucky girl?'

    Sadly me. I smiled and signed off of Facebook. I put the laptop to the side and closed my eyes.

  When I opened my eyes, everywhere was tinted sepia stone. I looked out of the window to see Vincent kissing Katie. I gasped as I tried to scream out of the window. Katie looked at me and smirked, then showing her teeth. Vincent grabbed her face and muttered the words I never wanted to ever hear,

"Don't waste your time on looking at her. She was the closest thing to you, now kiss me."

   I heard him so clear... I backed away and watched the smirk that played at his lips.

"I never loved you, Azura. All you do is piss me off and cry."

   My vision began to blur as I started to sniff.

"There you go crying. Stupid child."

"She was a waste of your time, Vincent."

   I tried to blink the tears away.

"I know."

   And then cried as I backed away even farther from the window. I sat on the bed and couldn't stop crying

   I shot up out of bed as I gasped for breath. I looked over to see Vincent staring at me with eyes coated in worry.

"Are you okay?"

"Vincent..." I said in a choked voice, "I thought, I thought you left me for Katie. I... I... I..."

"Shh... it's okay." said Vincent pulling me to his chest, "It's alright. I'll never leave for you a... skank. You're my future, don't worry."

   I sighed and nodded, breathing in his too familliar scent. I instantly calmed myself down and felt myself fall asleep. 

"Sleep tight, my darling."

    I woke up at my phone ringing. I groggily looked at the Caller I.D. and saw Keith calling.

"What..." I said picking up.

"Azura, there's a party tonight. Do you want to go?"

"I don't have an outfit." I said groggily.

"I know and I have one. It's a black short dress."

"Is it strapless?"


"I'm not trying to look like a sluuuuut." I said yawning.

"You won't trust me." 

"Fine." I said rolling my eyes. "I'll meet you at your place?"


"Alright, give me an hour."

"Okay, peace."


    I looked over next to me to not see Vincent. The hallway light was off and I was too lazy to turn it on. As I walked down the stairs, I slipped and fell into Vincent. He yelped in pain. I rushed over to a light to see his blood dripping from his thumb. 

"Vincent! Are you okay?!"

"Yeah, my thumb's cut at the nail, I'm sooo great." he said sarcastically.

   I rushed to the bathroom and got a first-aid kid. I quickly tended to his wound and sighed.

"I'm sorry."

"I thought I died for a second. Shock, pain, reality, derp."



   I stared at him and rolled my eyes smiling.

"I'm going to a party tonight."

   He was about to object until I realized he changed his mind. Sighing, he nodded.

"Don't get hurt, and also, do you have anything to wear?"

"No, Dad." I said laughing.

    He didn't take it funny.

"Never call me your father. I will not be degraded to that disgusting drug addict."


  Vincent nodded and sighed.

"Anyways, where are you going to get something to wear at a time like this?"

"Keith has one."

"Alright then, be back before 1. I don't want to sleep alone."

"Okay, let me go get dressed." I said walking upstairs.

[A/N] - I am so sorry for the late upload. Lots of things have been happening lately, my middle finger still hurt and I have to focus on school more. I'll try my best to still upload every 2 days. I love you guys so much and thanks for still being my fan. I appreciate it :)

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