Loving Mr. Maxwell Short #8

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     After a tiring day of college, I finally returned home. Usually Katie would be asleep right now so I gently closed the front door and hung my coat up. I tiredly went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of iced tea. Gulping everything down, I put the cup down and sighed. Walking out of the kitchen, I went up the flight of stairs. 

'Oh... oh my g- OH!'

    I recognized that as Katie's 'voice' and narrowed my eyes. 

'Damn baby, oh, **** baby!'

    Balling my fists, I approached the room door. My heart was loudly throbbing in my chest and it felt like I couldn't breathe. I kept on hearing moans and I recognized most of them as Katie's. My back hit the wall and slid down. She was cheating on me... in my house... in my room... in the bed we shared...

   I got up and kicked my door open, my eyes starring daggers at Katie sitting on top of some guy. His face was shocked and Katie's was as well. I stomped over to them and roughly pushed Katie off of him. Looking down at the man, I saw nothing but red. I swung at him, throwing as many punches as possible. Katie tried to stop me and hold me down but I simply slapped her roughly in the face and continue.

  When I was done, I looked back at a crying and shocked Katie.

"How COULD you cheat on me?! I thought you loved me!" I screamed angrily, tears threatening to run down my cheeks due to frustration. "WELL?!"

  Katie looked away, her once innocent look replaced with nothing but a slut.

"You're nothing but a slut." I hissed angrily, "Get you and your boy toy out of here!"

"Vincent, I-I'm sorry." she whispered.

"Sorry?! You didn't sound like it when you screamed harder!" I yelled, "Get the hell out of my house!"

 She shook her head and looked down.

"I want to be here... with you."

   I angrily stomped over to her and grabbed her neck. She began to kick and scream as I dragged her out of my house. I threw her ass out and slammed the door behind me. I marched back upstairs to find the guy unconscious in my bed. I humorlessly laughed, picking up his body and fitting him through the window.  

   I heard a crack when his back hit the cement and smiled sadistically. I then gathered all of Katie's belongings and threw it out of the window.

"YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A LITTLE SLUT, HAVE FUN WITH YOUR PITIFUL LIFE!" I shut the window close and looked back at my bed. "I'm getting rid of that **** tomorrow."

   Walking out of my room, I went into the guest room and slept there for the night. I looked on the dresser to see a picture of Katie and I smiling. A tear slid from my eye. I grabbed it and threw it across the room.

Loving Mr. Maxwell [TeacherXStudent] .:COMPLETE:.Where stories live. Discover now