Chapter Six - It make you think

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                                                                   ~Chapter Six~

Vincent's Point of View

  I looked down upon the stack of tests I had to grade. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. My elbow met the desk as my palm held my chin. My eyes roamed to the first paper, and then to the possibly second, third, fourth...

  Damn this is a lot to grade.

   I sighed once more and grabbed the first paper. My eye twitched as I noticed the whole front page was wrong.

"This is going to be a long day..." I said grumpily.




   A knock on the door made me jump as I looked to the door.

"It's open!" I said loudly.

   The door opened to reveal a student strolling toward me.

"Erhm, what can I do for you, Lynn?"

   Her long brown hair flowed down to her back. She had grey eyes that almost looked silver. Her skin was pale and her lips formed a frown.

"Did you see a wallet by any chance?" she asked in her usual shy voice.

"Actually yes." I said pulling out a red wallet with black dots and ribbon on it from my drawer.

   Before it met her eyes, I made sure to ask her the golden question.

"Describe it."

   She thought for a second and replied;

"It's a red wallet. It has tiny black dots and a ribbon where the lock is. Inside is a picture of my deceased mother, money, and a lot of other things."

   Suddenly feeling bad, I handed her the wallet.

"I'm sorry about your mother."

"Oh don't worry... I know she's in a better place now." she said smiling.

    I shuddered and saw right through the smile. I knew deep inside she wanted to cry.


"Thank you for my wallet." she said rushing out of the room.

   The door slammed behind her where I was left speechless.  My pen tapped the desk as a sigh left my mouth. The poor girl didn't even show true emotions. I looked down at the paper and noticed it was Lynn's. She aced this easily with a 96. I put it towards the pile of finished papers and continued on.

    If only Azura was here.





Azura's Point of View

   I can feel his eyes on me. I tried to stop myself from smiling but my lips slowly curved into a smile. I didn't want to look up, but I did. Vincent and I stared at each other as his lips curved into a smirk. I rolled my eyes and he lightly chuckled.

  He pointed down. Raising an eyebrow, I looked down and saw my test.

"5 minutes left." he said loudly.

  There were many groans from students who weren't close to finishing. My mouth dropped as a scowl replaced my smile. My pen collided with the paper as my mind rushed everything. As soon as he called time, I finished. I made sure I checked over my work before going to the next question.

"Pens, pencils, markers, whatever writing utensils everyone is using, down." he said in authority.

  I put my pen down as I crossed my arms and sent him a smirk. He lightly smiled and collected the papers. As he approached my desk, I felt my body tense. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Paper please, Ms. Valentine." he said soothingly.

"A-ah, y-yes!" I said stuttering and handing him my paper.

   I noticed as he turned away his shoulders shook.

   The bastard was laughing at me! I sighed and shook my head.

"Typical Vincent." I muttered.

    He looked back over his shoulder and stuck out his tongue.


      I took a sip of my pineapple soda trying my best to ignore Luther and his longing stares.

"Erhm Azura, why is Luther staring at you?" asked Keith.

"I don't know." I lied.

"Erhm, he's making me feel uncomfortable. He's shooting me these glares that just want me to get up and go." he said hesitantly.

"Just ignore him." I said taking another sip.

"He's coming over here." said Keith annoyed.

   I sighed and looked up to see Luther hovering over me.

"You and I need to talk." he said.

"Luther, listen, we are not in a relationship. I don't like you, you are only a friend to me, but it seems like the term 'friend' is overrated nowadays." I said rolling my eyes.

"But what if Mr. Maxwell ever did something to you? How would I be able to live with myself?"

"Trust me." I said slamming my pineapple soda on the table. "The only person here doing something is you!"

   I got up and left. I walked into the hallway where I saw Keith following me. I slid down a locker where I sighed.

"He's really annoying." said Keith sighing. "I thought he was cool, I guess over the summer can change you."

"Crystal clear." I mumbled under my breath.

"Anyways, I'm going to class early, catch you later?"

   I nodded and he left.

"Life goes on."

  I looked up to see Vincent staring down at me.

"Hey Vincent." I said sighing.

"Stressed too?" he said.

"Yep, Luther just won't stop."

"Don't worry." he said walking off. "Life will look up at you and smile since I'm here."

   I watched as he walked away. I thought about what he said for a second. 'Life will look up at you and smile since I'm here.' The bell rang and I got up. I walked to my next period class and kept on thinking about what he said. Maybe Vincent has a purpose in my life.




  It make you think.

[A/N] - This isn't the best chapter. I'm sorry.

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