Loving Mr. Maxwell Short #4

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        I gripped my shirt tightly as the snow fell from the sky so delicately. Every step I took caused me to shiver as I broke down and held my tears. I was abandoned, again. This wasn't the first time. This wasn't the second, and it wasn't the third either. I walked towards the forest that seemed like a never ending cave. It was dark, it was cold, I was scared.

        I never had anyone to call mother. I never had anyone to call father. I never had anyone to call brother, but I did have someone to call a sister. A sister who went through thick and thin with me. A sister who'd take all of the beatings for me. A sister who held her vows that she would always protect me. An older sister who I loved dearest to my heart. A sister who couldn't save me this time.

      I looked around. The chilling wind bit through my light shirt as I began to rapidly cough. I wanted my sister. I wanted her to protect me from the pain. I wanted her to hold me tight and promise me that we'll make it through here. My bare feet grazed against a branch as the dark red blood began to slowly ooze. The snow quickened as the cigarette burns on my arms and legs began to burn.

     I wanted the pain to stop, but it wouldn't. I kept on walking. Walking through the never ending forest. Hopefully walking out of my life. I began to feel dizzy. My foot hurt.

   Why was there so much pain in my life? Why can't the blood stop oozing? Why is it pouring now? What's going on? Why am I dizzy? Why am I falling? Why can't I stand up? Why are my eyes closing? Why is my breathing quickening? Why is it getting colder? Why am I crying? Why isn't sister helping  me? Why... is it... so dark?







    How come I don't have a place to call... home?

     I jumped up out of my sleep as I held Azura tightly to me. Tears stung my eyes as I refused to cry. That night 14 years ago... the snow storm. The night I was once abandoned. I expected not to wake up, but I did. And when I woke up, I questioned if I was in heaven, but I wasn't. An old lady who was widowed saved my life. She said that the sound of a child's cries awoke her. She saved me.

Miss Lou.

     I remember standing over her grave as they lowered her casket. I remember shedding so much tears I thought it was impossible to cry anymore. She gave me hope. She told me one day I'll find someone who will permanently take the pain away. She told me that one day I'll find my older sister.

 She gave me reason.

      Her silky grey hair that she said she never cut in over 20 years. Her wrinkles that defined her age but at the same time gave her such beauty. She was blind in one eye but that woman could see the world in 20/20 vision. She taught me so much. When she died, I thought all hope was lost.

She paved the way.

     But when the lawyer read her will to me, I cried. I cried even more at the amount of money she left over to me. It was enough to make a family, buy a new house, get a job, put food on the table... to probably last me decades.

She was my role model.

   Miss Lou never lost hope in me, and I loved her for that. If it wasn't for her, I would've still been trapped in that forest... and I most likely wouldn't have woke up. Azura stirred in her sleep as I kissed her forehead. She smiled in her sleep and I returned it. Ms Lou was right. I would find someone who would take the pain away.

She saved me.

Loving Mr. Maxwell [TeacherXStudent] .:COMPLETE:.Where stories live. Discover now