Chapter Four - The Kiss of an Angel

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                                               ~ Chapter Four ~

   I inhaled deeply as the bed I was on comforted me. My eyes slowly opened as the curtains were pulled back. I looked to the right to see a digital clock that read 6:16. I honestly didn't want to move, my bed was extremely comfy. Today, however, was the mo-.

"Oh crap..." I whispered.

   I looked around the room cautiously and slowly got up out of bed. I looked around and noticed this wasn't my room. Oh. My. God. I furiously limped to the door and then noticed my cuts never hurt much so I walked slowly. I descended down the stairs carefully as each step that made noise sounded like an explosion. I saw a mirror on the wall and looked over at it. I wasn't in my normal attire, and what made it worse was that I was wearing boxers and someone's tank top. Oh my goodness, what have I done-- what happened last night?!

   I walked down another flight of stairs and looked around. I came upon the first floor as I approached the living room. Pictures of Mr. Maxwell and most likely his f-.

   I slowly paused. My eyes zoomed in at the picture as my vision went from 15/20 to 20/20. Holy crap. Mr. Matthew and probably his family? I'm at Mr. Matthew's house?! I turned around and a shocked gasp escaped my lips.

"Good morning Ms. Valentine." said Mr. Maxwell.

   Oh my... his honey brown hair was messy as his piercing grey eyes slowly blinked. He yawned and did a lazy stretch as his muscles stood out.

"Hungry?" he asked in his husky voice.

   Damn my teenage hormones! STOP DESCRIBING THIS... sexy man... AS SUCH!

"Yes but... how did I get here?" I asked curious.

"You don't remember? Uh let's see... Oh yeah-- wait." he said pausing. His lips slowly curved into a smile as he scratched his head. "Brain fart. I honestly don't remember, but Ms. Johnson gave me permission to take you, OH YEAH!" he said clapping his hands.

   I stared at Mr. Maxwell dumbfounded as he debated with himself until he finally came up with an answer.

"You were injured and we were afraid your father would hit you again so Ms. Johnson gave me permission to take you here. Uh, your mom agreed."

   I thought for a second and then remembered.

"Oh okay, I remember now." I said nodding.

"Yeah..." he said as he stared at me.

    I felt quite awkward so I looked away and rubbed my arm.

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

  I nodded my head and he motioned me to follow him. I followed him into his kitchen and sat down at the table. He went into the fridge and took out eggs, bacon, the usual. One minute later, the sweet smell of frying flood drifted to my nose as I sighed in delight. I heard a chuckle and saw Mr. Maxwell look back.

"Smells good?" he asked.

"Oh God that smells like heaven. Hurry up..."

"Haha, okay Ms. Valentine." he said smiling as he turned back to the stove.

   As I was laying on the table, a thought came to mind. Isn't it weird that I'm casually talking to my teacher as if I'm talking to a friend? It's crazy enough that I'm at my teacher's house and he's making me breakfast. I looked up and saw Mr. Maxwell putting a plate of food in front of me. My stomach growled in hunger as he placed a fork next to the plate. He sat down next to me and yawned.

Loving Mr. Maxwell [TeacherXStudent] .:COMPLETE:.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن