Chapter Nineteen Part II - Paranoid

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[A/N]: Yoo-hoo! Anyone there? Sheesh, it feels like only 10 people are reading LMM nowadays. Are you guys becoming bored or something? Y U NO TELL ME? I have something planned for chapter twenty so...>_>

                          ~ Chapter Eighteen Part II - Paranoid ~

"I just love mint chocolate with rum and raisin." I said as the ice cream melted on my tongue.

"It's kind of scary that those are my favorite flavors too." said Vincent smiling.

    Vincent froze, no pun intended, before the ice cream met his lips. I gave him a questioning glance. His gaze was behind me. I looked behind me and gasped. There stood Mr. Chavez staring at us. I looked back over to Vincent and began to yawn so it could make it look like my eyes were puffy. As soon as a tear slid down my face, Mr. Chavez walked up to us.

"Hello, Mr. Chavez." said Vincent in his 'teacher' voice.

"Hello Mr. Maxwell, may I have a word with you?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Chavez, but I honestly wouldn't want to leave Ms. Valentine right here. She's... taking it hard. Just look at her." he said gesturing to me, "She looks so fragile and pale."

"I see." said Mr. Chavez nodding. "I truly am sorry. Everyone is taking Lynn's demise terribly. I hope you feel well."

    I inwardly rolled my eyes when Mr. Chavez ordered ice cream and sat down in the middle. Great, he ruined the moment. I sighed as Vincent, Mr. Chavez and I ate our ice cream in silence.

"So, Mr. Maxwell, how are Azure's grades?"

"Azura." Vincent said annoyed as he corrected him, "And her grades are perfect. One of the top five in math."

"Excellent." said Mr. Chavez smiling at me.

     Giving him a small smile, I excused myself from the table. I went to the bathroom and pulled my phone out.

'Vincent, he's really making me uncomfortable.'

    Seconds later, Vincent replied,

'I know, I can feel it. He annoys me.'

'I can tell, your facial expression and everything.'

'Can you come back? He's trying to make conversation...'


    I walked out of the bathroom as I pretended to straighten my clothes out. I sat down at the table and inwardly glared at Mr. Chavez. I quickly finished my ice cream and realized Vincent did too.

"Well then Mr. Chavez, I shall drive Ms. Valentine home now." said Vincent.

"If you want, I can drive her home."

"Thank you Mr. Chavez, but he had set up arrangements with my parents."

"Ah, I see..." he said looking uncomfortable. "Well then, good bye."

   He got up and left the shop. Vincent and I exchanged looks as we ordered more ice cream on the go. We finally exited as Vincent drove us home.


   I just said 'home.' How many times did I say home? Do I really consider Vincent's house home?


"Yes, Azura?"

"Is your house my home?"

"Of course!" he said quickly, "Don't ever feel unwelcomed."

   I nodded and smiled. I heard a pang on Vincent's windshield and saw rain pouring. The sky quickly went grey as the wind poured harder and harder.


  He pulled into his driveway and took out an umbrella.

"Here." he said as he gave it to me.

   I quickly got out of the car and opened the umbrella. I rushed to his side as soon as his door opened.

"Thanks." he said smiling.

   Vincent held the umbrella as we both went inside. A crack of thunder met our ears as I shrieked. I absolutely disliked thunder storms. He closed the door as we took off our shoes and headed upstairs. We both went straight to bed. I was extremely tired again and didn't know why.

"Stress makes you very sleepy at times."

"How did you know what I thought?"

"Your facial expression."

"You can read me like a book, huh?"

"Of course I can." he said smiling.



"What will you do if I ever die?"

   It was silent for about five minutes until I bit my lip.

"I... I don't kn...ow..." whispered Vincent as his voice cracked.

   I felt terrible for asking him that question. I didn't know that it would impact him so hard. I hugged him and laid my head on his chest.

"Don't worry Vincent." I said with a small smile, "I'll always be here for you. No matter what people say, I don't care. I love you, Vincent."

   His fingers played with my hair as he sighed.

"I love you too, my stiff necked beauty."

"Oh no, are we really still on that?"

   Vincent simply winked and smiled at me.

"Of course we are, how could I ever forget that moment?"

    I chuckled and sighed. Before I could say anything, we heard another crack of thunder following after a loud crash. We looked out the window to see a tree on... oh no..

"MY CAR!" He yelled angrily. 

Loving Mr. Maxwell [TeacherXStudent] .:COMPLETE:.Where stories live. Discover now