chapter 1

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The legend of the bear claw pack begins...

~ Chapter one ~

"Help!" Faint screams aching through the stone behind me, the prison wall barricading me from the brutality of the massacre outside. The dark forest is silent, the on-slaughter continuing, horror filled screeches like whispers to my ears.

The pounding of my heart is out of fear, my palms clammy with dread, it forms droplets down my face, tickling sensitive skin. Silently, I await my death, wondering if the beasts will give me the mercy of a quick one.

Truth is, even if I wanted to help the pack being slaughtered it would be impossible, especially with my current situation. I have a natural need to want to help people, despite them being the ones that have tortured me for months without an ounce of mercy.

I listen as the last screams echo through the walls, feeling the doom of my fate creeping into my bones like a cold blanket. Silently I hope it's another pack, any other than the beasts I'm assuming it to be. Perhaps it's a power hungry pack, something normal. If it's the savages, they're not here for power, they're here to take pride in their bloodbath.

The savages don't kill for power, no, they kill for the thrill of the hunt. That's how I know they're not the ones killing the current pack I'm captured in. They wouldn't be so quick about it.

Within an hour the war falls deathly silent, dead bodies and blood covering the lands on which I'm under. I didn't have to witness it, to know that there are likely to be no survivors.

I hope someone finds me or I'll rot away down here. Your probably wondering why I'm so calm about this right?

Well I've been here four months, chained to a wall, whipped, sliced, punched, kicked, had bones broken, starved, poisoned, dehydrated, and well abused really.

I knew somebody would attack them soon anyway, they've been taking pack members from nearby packs far too much and it seems they made a slip up. If anybody I knew saw me I highly doubt they'd recognise me but I trained them to help others in need so I see no problem.

My once thick golden hair is now thick with dirt, greasy, and all in all plain disgusting. My tan skin pale as snow, my once bulking muscles barely there, my weight three times less than it was four months ago and allowing everyone to see my bones.

And I'm probably coming across as a female right now right?

I'm not. I'm 100% male. I was about to be given the alpha title when my dad was shot in his head, my mother died instantly in shock and then I went to war. Sadly I was hit by a huge dart, holding enough tranquilizer to take down an army. I was out within minutes and woke up here with poison running through my system almost killing me.

The next day they removed the poison from me and then my torture began whilst my wolf was recovering.

As an alpha I'd fight to the death for my pack out of loyalty and respect. I expected to be found within that week but I suppose they needed a plan.

Deep down I knew they didn't care. I knew they weren't coming here for me. Their alpha.

The huge thick metal door in front of me opens snapping me from my thoughts.

"We found another!" The familiar man calls sighing and looks at me with disgust.

Little fucker. If only I had the damn strength to move.

"We have no more room. He's the last just leave him, he looks almost dead anyway." A hushed voice mutters from beside him, I couldn't make out his face properly. My vision blurry. But the voice is familiar.


Wait. What the fuck did he just say?

I watch in shock and hatred as they turn and leave, leaving me to rot down here. If I ever get free I'm going to slaughter those bastards. Clearly they're not my pack anymore which means I can do what I want and right now I want revenge.

If only I didn't have wolfsbane in my system.

~ The Legend ~ Bear Claw Where stories live. Discover now