Chapter 14

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I stood in the shower for what seemed like hours. My speed was gone.


Without my speed, what was I? I hadn't realized how much the speed had become a part of me, how much I craved to be able to run on water or up buildings. It was like a part of my soul had been taken away from me.

I silently let the tears fall.

Kate? Amanda said softly into my head. Please come out. You've been in there for a long time.

I sighed and turned the water off. I grabbed a towel off the rack, not bothering to think of anything to say back to Amanda.

I walked slowly back into my room, dressing myself at such a slow speed I wondered how I had gotten dressed before I got hit by the Particle Accelerator.

It was a quiet evening tonight, so I grabbed some hot chocolate from the kitchen and made my way to the balcony. The roof seemed too far away. I curled up in a chair and just sat there, clutching the warm beverage between my cold fingers. I wish I could have had something stronger to drink, but Caitlyn said my metabolism was still fully intact which meant my body would burn it off before I could even count to three. I sighed. Tonight was not my night.

"Want some company?" Amanda asked from the door way.

I tried to smile. "No, but I know you'll just come out here anyways."

She laughed to herself and went to sit on the other chair curled up with her own cup of something.

"Want to talk about it?"

I shook my head. "There's not much to talk about. I lost my speed."

"I'm sure it's not temporary, Katie," she tried to reassure me. "I'm sure it's all in your head."

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows together at her statement.

"I mean you haven't lost any of your other abilities. You metabolism is still freakishly high and the needle mark from the lab is gone," she explained. "The speed is embedded into your DNA. It's still there. I think the electric super just, I don't know. Shocked your confidence."

"Punny," I mumbled with a small smile.

Maybe she was right. Maybe it was all in my head. My energy had felt drained before, but now I felt alright. I brought my hand up in front of my face and concentrated. I felt a rush of energy flash to my hand as it began to vibrate, but it just stopped as quickly as it started.

"At least that's something," Amanda shrugged.

"I need to talk to Barry," I said after a moment of silence.

"I think that's a good idea. I'll get your phone for you."

After Amanda had dialed Barry's number and handed me the phone, I could hear panic in his voice as he answered.

"He's here, Katie. He's at S.T.A.R. Labs," Barry rushed quietly into the phone.

"Who's there, Barry? The electric man?" I asked immediately standing up and putting on my shoes.

Amanda followed suit, hearing the conversation in my head.

"He's inside," I could hear Barry say to his friends.

"Barry, we're on our way," I tried to tell him, but his phone had lost the call. "Dammit."

I looked at Amanda with panic in my eyes. She grabbed her ear piece and threw me mine, and the next thing I know I'm standing next to Cisco and Caitlyn. Cisco's eyes grow wide as he realizes we are there and immediately puts his finger to his mouth.

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