Chapter 53

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The next morning we woke up at the same time. I didn't resist getting out of bed like I normally would. Instead, I briefly sat on my side of the bed for a minute trying to contain the floor of tears that were bound to come out at some point.

Barry appeared in front of me, crouched down so he was looking up at me. He held my face in his hands and placed his forehead against mine.

"I love you," he said sweetly.

I held his arms. "I love you."

He kissed me and went into the bathroom to get ready. I used my speed to get dressed in sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt. I didn't feel like putting much of anything else on.

We met everyone at the lab to talk about what was going to happen.

"According to Wells' calculations, Barry super speeds inside the accelerator's barrier ring. Once Barry reaches optimum speed, we then launch a hydrogen proton into the accelerator. Once a collision happens, a worm-hole forms opening the gateway into time itself. It's at that time I'll shout something along the lines of 'eureka' or possibly 'excelsior'. I'm uncommitted," Martin Stein informed us.

"What do you think?" Barry walked towards Cisco.

Cisco sighed with his head in his hand. "I mean, one the one hand it does make a kind of sense. On the other hand, why? Why? Why would you ever consider doing this?"

"You know why," Barry replied quietly.

"So for this to actually work, how fast would Barry actually have to go?" Caitlyn asked.

"By my estimates," Stein calculated in his head. "Mach 2 at a minimum."

Caitlyn looked at him with wide eyes. I mimicked her.

"Neither of us have gone that fast," I said.

"You were close that one time last month," Cisco pointed to me.

"That's because I thought Barry was going to get hit with a missile, Cisco. And I didn't actually hit it and I haven't been that close since."

"So what happens if Barr doesn't reach that speed? I'm imagining a bug hitting a windshield. How far off am I?" Joe asked Stein.

He shook his head. "Not very far I'm afraid."

"Let me worry about how fast I have to go," Barry told the men, and then looked to Cisco. "We're gonna need something else, too."

"Really? What's that? Cause I don't know about you guys, but I'm not at all interested in helping you get yourself killed."

"I need you to build a time machine."

Cisco narrowed his eyes. "Go on."

Ronnie, Cisco, and Barry went to do their thing while I stayed up with everyone else. At one point, Joe motioned me over to him.

"What do you think about all of this?" he asked me.

I folded my arms and leaned against the desk with a shrug. "Whatever he wants, Joe."

"That's bullshit," he called me out.

I stepped off the wall. "What do you want me to say? That I don't want him to go because I would rather have him here with me? What kind of girlfriend does that make me to stop him from saving his family?"

"I know how you feel. I wouldn't give up Barry as my son for the world. But how can I not let him go save Nora?"

I looked down. "I'm not going to stop him no matter how much it hurts because in the end, it's his choice."

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