Chapter 4

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I couldn't stop thinking about him.

Not because of how tall he was or the way his green eyes sparkled, but because he was a speedster. He was the same as me. And boy did I have so many questions to ask him.

How did he get his powers? Was he in a coma? Is there anything he can do that I can't?

"Your thoughts are annoying me," my best friend said as she laid upside down on our couch.

"Sorry," I laughed and went back to making the strawberry, banana, apple smoothie I was craving. I looked at the clock on the wall and noticed I had work in about twenty minutes. Yes we still went to work. How else was I supposed to pay the bills especially with how high are electric bill has been? You may wonder how I can go fight crime while I'm making cupcakes. Well, Amanda told my boss this fun made-up disease that I now have thanks to getting struck by lightening called Shock Reduction Disease where I have to leave if I feel even the slightest bit "ill" or I could potentially pass out and die. I feel bad lying to my boss, she is such a nice lady (not very bright), but I have to help this city. As for Amanda, well, she just pops in and out of her lab in Centennial City or calls me when she gets an alert on her phone.

But before work takes away my time, I had to figure out how to contact him and talk to him.

"There is that blog that that one girl is writing. What's her name? Lily East?" she guessed, not using her brain for that one.

"Iris West," I reminded her and grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and began my search.

Amanda was right, of course. As I glanced through the blog posts, I noticed something. He seemed to enjoy talking to her on rooftops. Could I simply find a rooftop and wait for him to show up? I mean how crazy does that sounds considering I am talking about two people with super speed meeting up?

"It's worth a try," the mind-reader said.

I put my phone back in my pocket, grabbed my black baking apron from the hall closet, and sped out the balcony and down my apartment building to work.

2 Hours Later

My coworker, Ann, and I were busy messing around while our bakery's famous snicker-doodle cupcakes were baking. I had flour in my hair, on my black V-neck, my apron, my jeans, and my forehead. This is what I get for trying to start a flour fight with Ann; she's vicious. She laughed as soon as the door's bells jingle signaling to me that a customer was here. I tried to clean myself off, only smudging the flour more as I made my way to the front.

"Can I help you?" I smiled as I looked up into two green eyes.

My already fast heart started beating double-time, so fast it was almost non-existent. It was him. I was smart enough to tell it was him. I knew how I looked behind a mask; it was easy to tell who I was. And I could sure as hell tell it was him. His height, the way he walked, and his dead-give away green eyes. Because of my speed it didn't take but a second to realize this. I snapped my face back into a smile and waited for his order.

"I'll have two of the vanilla cupcakes with white frosting, please," a voice from behind the man said. I looked around him, not noticing the other male and female behind him.

"I'll have the same, and do you want anything Caitlyn?" green-eyes asked.

She politely shook her head no and went to sit down near the window, a solemn expression etched on her face as if that was normal for her.

I looked back at the boy in front of me and gave him his total. He handed me the money, put a five in my tip jar, smiled a breath taking smile at me, and went to sit down. The other boy with his shoulder-length, dark hair looked at me with a smile and watched as I went to put the cupcakes in a small box.

"Four sweets for a sweet person," I said with a wink, making the boy blush, mumble thank you, and join his friends at their table.

I waited for a few more seconds to see if they needed anything and scurried to the back of the shop, passing Ann along the way at a normal pace. I whipped out my phone and dialed Amanda's number. She answered on the second ring.

"You have to get here, right now," I demanded.

"Why? What's wrong?" she asked, papers shuffling in the background. And then all of a sudden, she was next to me.

"Jeez, 'Manda, Ann could have been back here!" I scolded her, putting my phone away.

"Well, she's not so what's up?" she asked, crossing her arms. I let her read my mind for a second, her eyes widening as she realized that the red speedster was here.

She smiled widely and practically bounced towards the door and out into the main area.

"Barry Allen!" she gasped and walked towards the table.

The tall boy got up and gave her a hug, a smile also on his face.

"Amanda King, what are you doing here?" he asked in disbelief.

"I live here! I commute to Centennial, but I live in Central City with Kate," she explained motioning behind to me.

I gave a small smile and a wave and walked up next to her.

"How do you two know each other?" the woman with reddish hair asked; Caitlyn.

"Amanda works in forensics up in Centennial City and we've worked on some cases together," he told all of us.

He's the flash. I thought and she raised an eyebrow.

Are you sure? I heard her voice in my head. We had been practicing a lot, and being around her all the time makes it easier for her to tap into my head.

I looked at her and nodded. She looked back at Barry and smiled.

"So, have you heard of those two streaks running around and saving the city? Crazy right?" she asked bluntly.

My eyes went wide in disbelief. I cannot believe she just asked that. Barry rubbed the back of his neck and gave a short laugh. The other two looked at one another and then back to us.

"Yeah, we have. It's insane what they can do," the long-haired one said. "I wish we knew who they were."

I read their minds. It's definitely him.

"Well, at least we have someone out their saving our asses," Amanda said, steering the conversation away before anything could be revealed. "Hey, Barry! How about all of us get together this week and catch up? I know you said something about a karaoke bar that you loved to go to and my friend Kate loves to sing."

Barry looked at me and grinned. I blushed slightly. What are you doing?

"That sounds great. How about this Saturday?" he asked, looking at the other two as they nodded. The long-haired one smiling wide.

Amanda looked at me with a hint of something in her eyes.

"We'll meet you there!"

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