Chapter 23

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I arrived at Barry's apartment only a few minutes after Amanda had teleported them. Barry was laying on the couch and Amanda was sitting on the edge of it dabbing his forehead to get the blood off.

"Hey, Barr, are you okay?" I asked and went to sit on the floor by his head, running my fingers through his hair.

"I can't believe I still couldn't get him," Barry said through his teeth. "And he kicked my ass."

"This man is something entirely different from you or Kate," Amanda said wisely. "He may have speed, but he in no way, shape, or form has the heart and the goodness that you two have. That's an advantage on your part."

I gave her a soft smile of thanks. Barry needed to know he isn't alone through this mess.

"He killed my mother and I can't do anything about it!" Barry continued on.

Amanda went into the small kitchen to wash the blood off of the cloth. I clenched my fingers in his hair firm enough to have him look at me.

"We'll catch him, Barr. Trust me. Everything will be okay."

December 24, 2014

I stayed the night over at Barry's to make sure he wasn't mentally hurting from the fight with the yellow man- his wounds had healed later on that night. He was pissed off of course, but I got him to calm down and eventually go to sleep.

In the morning, we made our way over to S.T.A.R. Labs so Barry could explain everything that happened.

"He acted like he knew me, like we'd done this before," Barry said.

"He was antagonizing you, Barr," Joe said, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I-I would get close and he would just pull away. This was just some sick game to him."

"You'll catch him; we'll help," Dr. Wells said.

I put my hands in the air for a second. "That's what I told him."

"You don't get it. His speed is, its beyond me. I'm not the fastest man alive. He is!" Barry argued. "So how do we catch somebody that even I can't keep up with?"

I slowly raised me hand before Cisco shook his head fiercely at me. I quickly lowered it back down.

"The beautiful thing about force fields, Mr. Allen, is they're impervious to speed. Now, we're almost finished fabricating the trap and all that remains is for Detective West to procure the bait," Dr. Wells enlightened us.

Joe started towards the door. "I'm on it."

Barry followed him. "Barry, why don't you stay here?"

"No, Joe, today is not the day to tell me to stay behind," Barry said seriously and continued to follow him out.

I didn't bother staying with Barry. Instead, I hung around with Cisco and Caitlyn since Amanda was in Centennial for a case that she said and I quote "Won't take long, I promise".

They had informed me that Caitlyn believed Ronnie Raymond, her deceased fiance, had risen from the dead and was now able to shoot fire out of his body. So we were going to track him down. Cool.

"This is like an episode of those shows where they check out the haunted houses," I whispered as Cisco tried to say something about ionized particles.

We slinked down a narrow set of stairs into the basement of the lab.

"The CPMs are increasing," Cisco said warily. "We should have told Dr. Wells and Barry."

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