Chapter 20

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I was out running around as Momenta due to the fact that Amanda had pretty much kicked me out of the apartment for the night. That little bitch.

As I was looking for someone's ass to kick, I spotted a familiar couple in a car. The beautiful woman that once had caught Barry's eye and still continued to flirt with him was driving. A scowl appeared on my face as I darted out in front of them steering them off of their path. The car came to a skid before stopping mere inches from the curb. Both passengers stumbled out of the car, obviously shaken up that I had done that.

"Momenta?" the brunette asked confused. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I should be asking you the same thing," I answered, my voice going into vibrating mode.

"What do you mean?"

I rolled my eyes and started walking towards her. "Oh, don't play dumb. You've been talking to The Flash have you not? See, the thing is, you can let go of your little fantasy about falling for a super hero because he's already taken."

She shook her head still confused. "I'm not sure I follow you."

Before I could get any closer, the blonde boy shot at me. I dogged both of his bullets and laughed.

"Guess you haven't read your girlfriends blog."

My plans changed as my eyes narrowed at the detective. "You're the one that's been trying to catch The Flash, aren't you?"

He hesitated.

"And now me too, I suppose," I continued on. "See the thing is, he's harmless to the innocent, whereas me? If someone threatens me, let's just say they won't even see me coming."

He threw down his gun obviously realizing it was useless and tried to charge towards me. I embraced his act and proceeded to watch him spin towards the ground.

"Eddie!" I heard Iris cry behind me.

I smirked and turned towards her. "Now, where were we?"

"What are you doing?" she asked with bewilderment. "What is happening to you?"

"I feel fine," I growled. "Everyone needs to stop pretending I'm not."

"But you are not fine!" she countered.

"How would you know? Because you write about The Flash and I? Because you're so buddy-buddy with him? You don't know me, Iris West. You've never known me and you never will."

"I know that you have risked your life to help people. To save them and someone who does that doesn't turn around and want to hurt people," she pleaded. "Please."

I looked over my shoulder at the hurt detective and felt my body flood with anger, red filling my vision. I raced forward and grabbed her the lapels of her jacket, but suddenly found myself wrapped in a wire with Iris no where to be seen.

"Run," Oliver Queen said in his rugged voice, and pretty boy obliged.

"You need to calm down," he demanded towards me.

I simply laughed. "And you need to hold on."

I grabbed the tether and ran down the street, pulling the Arrow with me. I came to a stop as he kept sliding, eventually coming to stop as I pulled back on the wire that was no longer trapping me. I took a step back as he cocked back his bow and arrow. He tried to shoot me, but failed miserably.

"You missed," I said obviously.

"No," was all he said before the wall exploded behind me.

That hurt and made me hungrier for the fight. I looked up from the ground only to see him gone. I hopped back up only to feel a sharp pain in my right shoulder. He had shot me.

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