Chapter 12

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Barry and I were walking peacefully home after we got done on the rooftop of the bakery. He had bought some cupcakes earlier from the bakery so we could have them for desert -- he said it was because cupcakes reminded him of me. We continued our stroll home, our intertwined hands swinging lightly between us, my clutch in my right hand and my book in Barry's left. I kicked off my shoes as we made it to my building and wasted no time running up the steps, a trail of blue behind me. Barry followed and stood beside me as I fished for my keys. It was late so Amanda was probably sleeping by now.

I could tell he was nervous because of the slight pink of his cheeks and the way his hand rubbed the back of his neck when he thought I wasn't looking. He stood up straighter as I turned to face him after unlocking the door.

"I can't thank you enough for this night, Barry Allen. This was the best night of my life," I said honestly.

I kissed his cheek and stepped back slightly. I paused for a moment to see if he would do anything. I so wanted him to do something. He had a small frown on his face as if he were having a conversation with himself. He opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it instead.

A small smile appeared on my face. "Goodnight, Barr. Thank you."

I stepped inside and shut the door without looking back at him. I leaned my back against the wall next to the door. After just one night, one amazing night, I knew I had fallen hard for Bartholomew Henry Allen.

A small knock drew me back out of my thoughts. I slowly opened the door to see Barry still standing there. I opened the door wider.

"Barry?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

"I just let you walk through that door," he said with a frown.

I opened my mouth to say something, my whole face showing my confusion. But, so fast even I couldn't see it coming, his hands were cupping my face and his lips were on mine.

My super speed let me process what was happening quickly; Of course, I kissed him back. His hands traveled down my arms to my sides and wrapped around my waist. His hands sent shivers down my bare back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into the kiss so there was no space between us.

My heart was pounding as the kiss became a little more urgent. At a fast speed I was walking backwards until my back was against the wall. Barry being the guy he was made sure that I wasn't slammed into it (at this point I'm not sure I would have minded). My fingers found their way into his brown hair and pulled lightly. His hands dug into my hips. My heart was beating faster now, so fast that my body was suddenly vibrating. It was a quick motion that reminded me of when I blurred my face to hide my identity.

Barry must have noticed because he stopped and pulled back to look at me. He pulled us back off the wall and took a step back, still holding on to my hips.

"Katie?" he asked, a smile growing on his face.

"No, don't say anything. I'm fine. This is weird, but I'm fine," I said slightly out of breath.

"Deep breaths," Barry whispered near my ear.

I did as he said and my body calmed down. I let out my last deep breath and peered up at Barry through my lashes. I smirked and shoved his shoulder a bit.

"That wasn't funny," I said, but a smile appeared on my face anyways.

"Whatever you say," he grinned.

I couldn't help but laugh and wrap my arms around his waist. He rested his chin on my head and wrapped his arms around me, too.

"I'm glad you didn't leave," I murmured into his chest.

"Me, too," he said, his cheek pressing against the top of my head now.

"You know," I started to say, "You could stay. That is, if you want to."

He pulled back and looked at me. I could see a small spark in his eyes.

"I would love to," he said, and pulled me in for another kiss. "Happy Birthday, Katie."

The Next Morning

I was sweating more than normal which is weird since I usually keep my room at a cool temperature. I turned my body over and squinted, my eyes adjusting to the light in the room. They shot open as I saw a mop of brown hair on a pillow on the opposite side of my bed. Barry. I blushed remembering what had happened last night; I had invited him to stay over, and boy did he not make me regret it.

Please keep your thoughts to yourself, Amanda groaned into my mind from somewhere else in the apartment.

Keep out of my thoughts, I laughed mentally.

I realized at that moment that I was, in fact, basically naked, my underwear the only thing that I had replaced on my body before I feel asleep in Barry's arms. I hugged my sheet to my body as I laid back down and scooted my body closer to the man breathing lightly in his sleep. I poked him softly in his cheek.

"Barry," I whispered. "Wake up."

He moaned slightly as he slowly began to wake up. As his body stirred, the sheet moved down his torso. My mouth almost started watering. His body was heavenly. As I was admiring him, his eyes suddenly shot open and flicked back and forth as if he were trying to find something on the ceiling. He winced and rolled over so his face was buried in the pillow.

"Barr, what's wrong?" I asked, scooting into a sitting position, my hand still holding the sheet up.

"Amanda," he groaned again. "She's yelling at me."

Amanda! Stop tormenting him! I tried to yell towards her.

He needs to know that if he ever hurts you I will personally teleport him to a place where he won't be able to find his way back even if he can run at the speed of sound, she huffed.

I think he knows that, I reminded her. It is Barry we're talking about.

I know, I know. I just have to make sure you are safe. You are my family and I won't let anything or anyone hurt you, she said with a sigh. Now get up so we can go get some coffee from Jitters please.

I smiled to myself and looked down to notice Barry on his side, his head propped up in his hand. He was starring at me as I had my mental conversation with Amanda.

"What?" I asked with a smile, running my eyes down his body again, noticing the band from his boxers peeking through.

"You're so beautiful," he said, his grin growing as he saw me blush.

Suddenly, I was underneath him. With only the sheet and our lack of clothing between us, he kissed me deeply. My hands wrapped around his neck and into his hair as my body automatically arched into him. One hand held himself up while the other snaked around to my back and tried to pull me closer before we heard a pounding on my door.

"Yes, I am cock-blocking you. Now get up. I'm hungry!" my best friend yelled before I heard her shoes walking away.

I just smirked at Barry and gave him one more kiss before speeding around my room putting on a pair of running pants, a long sleeved shirt, my favorite tennis shoes, and pulling my hair into a ponytail.

"You comin'?" I asked putting my hands on my hips.

He laughed and appeared next to me in a pair of grey sweatpants and a blue S.T.A.R. Labs crew neck. I raised my eyebrow in question.

"Where did those come from?" I asked, slipping my hand into his as we walked out into the hallway.

"I'm just that fast," he gave me a wink.

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