Chapter 34

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I was really working up a sweat when Amanda came through the doors of the super room. I slowed down and jumped off the treadmill when I saw her. She handed me a bottle of water and sat down.

"What's up?" I asked, sitting down on a beanbag near our suits.

"Can't I just come home and see my best friend?" she asked and clicked away at the computer for a few seconds.

"Not really, no. Seriously, what's up?"

She huffed out a breath. "Work is driving me crazy, that's all."

I raised an eyebrow at her knowing she could read the uncertainty in my mind.

"I'm just a little worried about this whole Harrison Wells thing," she said honestly and turned in her chair to face me.

My brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Don't you find it odd that I can't read his mind? Or that he's taken such an interest in you and Barry, but not me? Not that I want the interest, but you know what I mean?"

"Yea, as in why wouldn't he want to expand on your powers, too? I get it. I have my suspicions, too. Sometimes though I think he's just interested in Barry. That's why I like our co-ops where I'm still Team Mortal," I said.

"It's just odd and it's just had me thinking."

"You could definitely get lost in that huge genius brain of yours, so be careful," I teased.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not a genius. I'm just really good at remembering things now."

"And reading minds."

"And teleporting."

"And getting into people's business."

"Speaking of which, where is Barry taking you tonight?"

My lips thinned out at her reading my mind again. "I'm not sure yet, but I bet you could tell me if you really wanted to find out."

She laughed and turned back toward the computers. "I'll stick to my day job."

"Ha. Yeah, right. Meddling is your day job."

"Guilty as charged."

Later That Night

"So you and Barry are just hanging out at his place tonight?" Amanda asked for the third time.

I grabbed my jacket and my phone. "Yes, is that alright, mom?"

"Sure, sure. I just thought you would be going out is all."

"We go out whenever we go on a date. We rarely have time to stay in and just chill together."

She agreed and sent me on my way. I was running a tad late, so I took some sort cuts across town to get to Barry and Joe's place.

I held my hand up to knock on the door when it suddenly opened.

"I saw your streak," Barry smiled at me and held open the door so I could come inside.

"So, what's the plans for tonight Mr. Allen?" I asked as I flopped on the couch.

"Pizza and a movie sound good?"

I grinned. "Make it pizzas and its perfect."

Barry ordered the food and then flew out the door to go get it. It took him longer than I thought, so I went to the TV cabinet and looked through the movies to watch. Definitely Tangled.

"Took you long enough," I said as I felt the wind from Barry's arrival swing my hair to the side.

I got up and saw he had gotten pizza from Coast City.

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