Chapter 51

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We talked with Leonard and his sister Lisa about the mission. Barry had suggested I appear in my suit in front of her since she didn't know who we were since Snart kept his promise not to tell anyone.

Cisco had managed to get a semi-truck from a family member to haul the metahumans. It was pretty sweet.

"I retrofitted the cooling system with the wheelchair power system to create an energy damper," he explained. "Basically the back of this rig is being flooded with so much power that its effectively creating a transient pulse strong enough to disrupt the metahumans' powers, so we can get can them to the airport and on the plane without them going fresh on us." He paused. "Technically we need somebody with a class A commercial license to drive this for us, though."

"I can drive it," Lisa said.

We all looked at her like she was crazy.

"What?" she questioned. "I have a class A - CDl."

"You do?" I asked what everyone else was thinking.

"We can't all be speedsters," she smirked.

"Alright, let's do this. Planes gonna be here in two hours," Barry informed us with a clap of his hands.

We got them locked up in the truck before we everyone suited up to get going.

"I'll make sure the roads are clear," Barry said. "Do not stop for anything."

I walked up beside him and whispered in his ear. "I'll run behind Snart."

He nodded and Cold shouted, "Let's move out."

I kept a steady pace behind everyone to make sure nothing happened. I saw Barry a couple of times ahead of us, but continued to stay behind.

We finally arrived at the airport.

"So, what's the plan? I want to get this over with," Joe said not very excitedly.

"It should be here any minute," Barry answered as I ran to check the perimeter for anything out of place and to see if I could see the plane.

"Planes here!" I yelled as I walked back in to the shelter.

"Guys, guys, we have a problem," Cisco ran over to us panicked. "The rigs losing power. I don't know why."

"Wait, can you do something?" Barry asked.

"I'm trying!" he yelled back and tapped away on his tablet.

"Oh god," Caitlyn gasped as the sky filled with lightening.

"Mardon," Joe said just as the plane was hit and set on fire.

It went over our heads and crashed about a mile or two away.

The back of the semi exploded opened with Mardon shouting, "Trips canceled!"

"Time to take your last breath," The Mist hissed as turned into gas.

Barry and I split up whereas Cisco, Caitlyn, and Joe took cover behind a car. Barry deals with The Mist as I deal with Deathbolt's laser eyes.

I try to distract him from hitting Joe, but Joe is fighting back on his own with his gun. I notice Rainbow Raider's eyes glowing as he looks at Caitlyn, and then his eyes shift to mine.


I felt the anger boil up inside of me again.

Not again.

I wasn't really angry at any one person except the obvious super villains, so I turned my attention to Mardon who had just hit Barry with a lightening bolt.

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