Chapter 2

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"What are we doing out here?"

Amanda had dragged me out to an abandoned airport strip where only a large, run-down building remained. She made me change into a pair of running shorts and tank top that looked way too big on my body compared to what they used to be (a plus of getting struck by lightening), and I laced up an old pair of tennis shoes from college. As we walked a short distance from the mouth of the warehouse, I tied my dirty blonde hair into a pony tail and looked at Amanda. I don't know how I hadn't noticed before, but Amanda looked good. She had very low confidence due to the way she viewed her body - even though she shouldn't have - before, but now she had this nice hour glass figure that practically made her glow.

Bless the gorgeous body gods. Or the explosive dark matter. Whichever.

"Now I want you to run," my best friend commanded.

"Run? You know I don't run!" I reminded her. We rarely went to the gym or did anything physical besides walking.

"Just trust me, please?" she pouted with her lip out. "Just focus on what you felt when the glass dropped."

I rolled my eyes and did what she said. I placed my left foot behind my right in a runner's stance, took a deep breath, focused, and ran.

I frickin' flew. Not literally. But I took off and the next thing I know I'm rolling in the grass. I get up, wipe the grass and dust from my body, and look up to see Amanda as a small figure in the distance.

No flippin' way. I laughed in disbelief, ready myself again, and took off. I honed in on the frozen world around me and I could feel the energy and electricity flowing through my body. My mind kept up with the quickness of the scenery passing by as if it was running as fast as I was. I could see every detail just as I could if I were standing still. In only a few short seconds, I was back to Amanda's side, my shoes leaving skid marks as I slide to a stop.

"I KNEW IT!" she yelled and threw her hands up in the air before she started clapping with excitement.

"Holy shit." I breathed as my smile got even bigger. "DID YOU FUCKIN' SEE THAT?"





We couldn't stop yelling at one another in excitement. I had done it. I had discovered my power. I could run really, really, really, fast.

"We need to test you," Amanda said with a wide smile still one her face.

"What about you?" I said as I started walking back to the car (even though we walk everywhere, Amanda does have a car).

"I had two months and a flawless eidetic memory to do that. I told you, I read a lot of books."

"Right, so what do we do now?" I asked, fixing my wind-blown hair.

5 Months Later

August 3, 2014

After having 6 months to expand on her powers and becoming another year older (her birthday being in June), Amanda pretty much had everything figured out. There wasn't much complexity to her powers. She can control when she reads someone's mind and we are experimenting to see if she can talk to me through mine. She can teleport anywhere as long as she has been there before and she has the image in her head. Her enhanced memory turned her into a walking world wide web. She can read a book about anything, practice for a day to perfect it, and become a professional by the next evening.

Now, you may be wondering what I've been doing. I've been doing what I believe I was born to do. Run.

This electricity inside of me makes me feel as though I was made to become who I am. And I don't take it for granted. I've been helping people, you see. With my ability to heal quickly and the fact that no one can see me run, I decided to become somewhat of an undercover hero. Amanda wasn't too keen on me running into danger, but she came around when she realized that I couldn't easily be injured or caught. So, we started out with small stuff: cats stuck in a tree, car accidents, muggers, fires, bank robberies. All simple things for someone who could run as fast as I could.

I usually wore what I called my rookie super-suit. A pair of skinny running pants, a blue quarter-zip with a hood, some black gloves, and my old tennis shoes that now have burn marks on them from the friction I cause when I run. I also figured out this cool thing I can do where I can move my vocal chords really fast and it changes the pitch of my voice so I sound bad ass. The same with my face; when I actually have to stop running to take down a bad guy, I can vibrate my face from side to side at such a speed where it's just a blur of skin.

So, right now I'm running on a treadmill in our apartment. After Amanda read countless books on engineering and computers, she decided to build our "super room". With a dent of her savings gone and with a little help from her parents (we had to tell them a small lie about remodeling the apartment), we transformed the third bedroom into the most kick-ass room ever.

The door is genetically coded so only Amanda or I's finger prints could get us into the room. The floor we made using concrete as a base (don't ask how we got it up there) and a solid rubber on top since we found out I produced lightening bolts when I run at a certain speed. In the right corner Amanda and I created a glass-surrounded industrial sized treadmill that could withstand my speed without breaking. Above it embedded into the wall is a speedometer that shows us how fast I can run. Along the left wall is a set of three desktop computers with a portion of the wall as a map that serves as Amanda's eyes and ears of the city to alert us when there is trouble. The right sided wall where a small room separator stands is our small medical area where Amanda becomes my doctor when necessary. And near the door to the left is a mini refrigerator and cabinet full of food and drinks since my metabolism spiked from the lightening.

And last but not least are the two tall glass boxes coming out of the wall directly in front of the door that are empty. Why are they empty? Because Amanda is still working on our suits. Yes, that's right. Suits. Of course, all she had to do was read a book about sewing and she can create a killer wardrobe for our super aliases. But until then, I'm stuck with my hoodie.

And what am I doing right now?

Well, I'm running of course.

"You've never gone this fast before!" I could hear Amanda's squeal coming from the speakers inside the treadmill area.

I looked up at the speedometer.

820 miles per hour.

Over Mach 1.

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