Chapter 27

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January 17, 2015

The new year started off with a bang. Cisco, Eddie, Iris, Amanda, Barry, and I had all gone to the karaoke bar for New Years - Caitlyn couldn't make it due to the fact that she was very ill that night. It was the first time Barry and I had sang together and really the first time I had heard him sing. It was like heaven had blessed my ears. Of course we sang I Run to You by Lady Antebellum. The S.T.A.R. Lab employees all had a good laugh about it - Eddie and Iris were too drunk to even make a connection.

Iris and Amanda did a fantastic version of Do You Want to Build a Snowman and even Eddie went up a sang a song for us, that is after we had gotten a fair amount of alcohol in his system. Cisco insisted I sing a song with him, so of course I chose You're the One That I Want. Let's just say, it was a crowd favorite.

A few things have been happening lately.

Barry and I have been dating for three months now and to say he's the best thing to ever happen to me is an understatement. I've been helping him track down the yellow man, although we haven't found anything, and we even had some fun with one of Cisco's drones that Barry ended up annihilating. Barry and I came up with a handshake that we now do after every accomplished mission which I have to admit is pretty sweet.

Caitlyn has been researching more about F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. - which we found out was an acronym - before she got kidnapped by Captain Cold and Heat Wave.They made an appearance and tried to kill Barry like every other evil super in this city. They hadn't counted on me showing up like I did, so no one died and Caitlyn was rescued.

Iris had officially moved in with Eddie and Barry decided to move back in with Joe. I thought it was a wonderful idea, and he still spends the night at Amanda and I's apartment when he can.

Now we are back in the lab after Barry and I had just successfully rained in some trouble makers who were known as the Royal Flush Gang. We did our handshake and Cisco suggested we take a picture together.

"Pretty sure rule number one of having a secret identity is not taking pictures of yourself in a super suit without a mask on," Barry told Cisco even though he had already gotten the camera.

"Oh, come on please! This is just for us to document all this," Cisco pleaded.

"Who knows, maybe people in the future will want to know how all this happened," Dr. Wells chimed in.

The three scientists gathered around one another in the middle of the room.

"Should I take it or do you want to?" I asked Barry.

"I got it, babe. Go stand behind Cisco and Dr. Wells."

I did as he asked and slung my arm around Cisco's shoulders while my other one waited for Barry.

"Alright everyone, big smiles." He counted down and then pressed the button before running over to the group. I watched him stand beside me, wrap his arm around my waist and one around Caitlyn's shoulders, and run back to catch the camera.

"Does that count as a selfie?" Caitlyn asked.

"Absolutely," Barry smiled and handed the phone to Cisco. I looked over his shoulder at the photo.

"Oh, you have got to send me that!" I said excitedly. It was a great picture.

Later that night, Amanda and I went over to Joe and Barry's for dinner. Iris had gotten a job as a reporter at Central City Picture news.

We got a call saying Harrison Wells' house had gotten broken in to, so the four of us made our way over there. Cisco and Caitlyn arrived moments later.

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