Chapter 17

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December 9th, 2015 

"Hi, Ann!" I hollered from the back of the bakery as I tied my apron around my waist.

"Hey, Kate! Feeling better?" she asked, walking to the back to start baking more cookies. 

Amanda had to tell Ann that my Shock Reduction Disease had left me bed ridden for a few days as a case in Centennial had taken us a little longer than normal to figure out. 

"I'm feeling great, thanks," I smiled and got to work. 

I always enjoyed baking with Ann. We joked and experimented with different recipes and designs on the pastries. It was a nice little break from worrying about saving Central and Centennial City. Soon enough, 1 o'clock rolled around and I could hear the door open signalling my date for the day had arrived. 

"I'm taking my break, Ann! I'll be back in an hour!" I called to her since she was in the back. 

I untied my apron and left it on a small table and checked myself in the small mirror to make sure I looked decent for Barry. I walked out to the front and grinned. 

"Hey there, Allen," I greeted with a grin and immediately gave him a hug. 

"Hey there, Daniel," he mocked and returned my embrace. "Ready?"

"You betcha." 

He held the door open for me as we walked out and made our way to a cozy little diner for lunch. I was starving so I ordered some mozzarella sticks, a burger, fries, and a milkshake. Barry ordered the same. It was always a nice time sitting and chatting with Barry. His day always seems to intrigue me whether its because of his actual job or his super hero one. As we were stuffing our faces with food, my phone started vibrating. I ignored it since I considered it rude since I was on a mini date with Barry, but after the third time, Barry insisted I answer it. 

"Hello?" I spoke with a tight voice. 

"Kate, we have a problem," Amanda's voice said from the other side. "There's something wrong with people at Gold City Bank."

In the middle of her sentence, Barry's phone started going off. I raised my eyebrows. 

"Hold on, Amanda," I said and waited for Barry to hang up his phone. 

"I have to go. I'm sorry, Katie," he apologized. "I should have told you about the robbery at the bank and now Joe needs me to come back and check it out as just Barry and not The Flash. "

"It's all good, Barr. Amanda just told me," I finished, then I said to Amanda. "Meet me at S.T.A.R. Labs."

We said goodbye and I looked at Barry with a small smile. I had a good amount of food left, so I looked around to make sure no one was looking and used my speed to finish it all. 

"Ahh, brain freeze," I groaned and shook my head. 

Barry laughed and left money on the table. We gathered our stuff and went to an alley. 

"I'll let you know what's going on and see you later, yeah?" 

"I'll be at the lab," I told him, and sent his off with a kiss to the cheek. 

I called Ann and said an emergency came up with Amanda, and that I would pick up a shift for her sometime. Bless her soul. 

I clicked the end call button and took off towards the lab. 

Amanda was already there talking to Cisco and Caitlyn when I walked into the Cortex. 

"Where's Dr. Wells?" I asked and went to lay flat on my stomach on the bean bag. 

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