Chapter 44

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March 23, 2015

"For the last time, Barry. I can't tell you," was my catch phrase for these past few days.

Ever since Cisco told the group about his dreams, Barry has been trying to get me to tell him what happened before we time-traveled.

I know the obvious thing would be to tell him about Wells, but I can't mess with the timeline anymore than what's already been done. I have faith that no matter what I do or don't tell Barry, we will find a way through this.

Besides, Barry has seemed distracted lately and I'm not entirely sure why.

As of now, we were gathered at the West household while Barr went to get pizza from Coast City.

It was decided that Joe and Cisco and I are going to go to Starling City to investigate the car crash Dr. Wells was in with Tess Morgan fifteen years ago. We felt it was best to start at the beginning.

Caitlyn wasn't too keen on the idea, but we talked her into it.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Barry asked me after Cisco and Caitlyn had left.

"Yes, I'm sure. I want to be there to help if anything goes wrong. It doesn't feel right to keep both speedsters in one place," I assured him. "Besides, what's the worse that could happen?"

The next day we geared up to go. I had gotten a text from Barry on the train that a new evil super that could shape shift was causing a problem, but I was told to continue on to Starling.

We arrived at the SCCP and met with Captain Lance to gather the case file from the wreck.

"So, what are you three hoping to find?" he asked after explaining that the case was pretty cut-and-dry.

The boys hesitated so I spoke up. "We're not exactly sure yet."

"You come all the way from Central City and you don't know what you're looking for?"

"Just following a hunch," Joe said.

"Can you take us to the accident sight?" Cisco asked.

"It's been fifteen years. I think the pictures will serve you better."

I smiled a friendly smile. "Still, we would appreciate a look, Captain."

He looked at us quizzically, but agreed.

As he was just about to leave, a woman called out for him and asked him for something. We looked at between him and her with awkward-ish smiles.

"Oh, uh Detective West, Cisco Ramon, Kate Daniels. This is ADA Laurel Lance," the Captain introduced.

"Related?" Joe asked.

She was his daughter. Joe reached out to shake her hand, and we followed suit.

"You must be Barry Allen's girlfriend?" she asked me.

I smiled sheepishly and nodded.

"And you work at S.T.A.R. Labs with him, right?" she continued to Cisco, and then asked to talk to him privately.

He gave me a questioning look over his shoulder as he walked away, to which I just shrugged and let out a small laugh.

"So, uh, how is Allen?" the older Lance asked. "Not too messed up after getting hit by that lightening I hope."

"No," Joe and I said at the same time, and then I added, "He's doing just fine."

Joe and I waited until Cisco came back out. I gave him a look that told me he would tell me later.

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