Chapter 19

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After Barry's confession of his undying likeness of me, he had to meet Oliver and Felicity at Jitters. I told him I would meet up with him later as I was going to quit my job at the bakery.

"Why are you quitting?"Barry asked surprised. "I thought you loved it there!"

"I do!" I said. "But, it just doesn't seem fair to my boss and Ann that I'm always calling in sick and ditching. Besides, it'll give Ann's friend a chance to work there where there will actually be a steady person working."

"What are you going to do about money?" Barry asked.

I smiled and gave him puppy dog eyes. "Just kidding. I will probably try and sell more of my photos. Maybe start up teaching again since it was only once or twice a week. I'll be fine, Barr. Now go before you're late."

"I'm always late," he said as a matter-of-fact. "I'll see you later."

I gave him a small hug and waved goodbye as he ran out the door. I sighed and flopped into the couch. I smiled and brought my knees up to my chest. He's mine, bitches.

A few hours later.

"He shot you?!" I asked loudly into the phone.

"Yes! With two arrows to the back," Barry said.

"Why didn't I think of that?" I questioned to myself.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing," I tried to play it off. "So, what's going on now?"

"Meet me at the lab, yeah?"

"Be there in," I looked at the clock on the wall. "Like ten seconds."

"One, two, three --"

I laughed, stuffed my suit in a backpack, and shot off.

I arrived at the lab to see Felicity, Caitlyn, Cisco, and Barry all looking at computers.

"What's going on?" I asked as I tossed my bag onto the bean bag.

"We just got a ping from the facial recognition software on Bivolo, AKA Prism," Cisco informed me.

"Since when do you have facial recognition software?" I asked.

"Happy Hanukkah," Felicity said in a sing-song voice.

"Where can I find him?" Barry asked.

"Traffic cameras just caught him entering a residence at 168 Jarvis," Cisco read off the computer.

"We should let the Arrow know," Felicity suggested.

"I can handle this. Besides, I've got, Kate," Barry said, a smile towards me. "We've done this before."

"Barry, I really think you need--"

"Felicity, I don't need his help," Barry said ending the conversation.

He walked out the door. I looked at Felicity. "Looks like someone's butt hurt about getting shot with arrows."

She gave a small shrug as I put on my suit and went to catch up with Barry.

We ended up at an old apartment complex. The door was locked, so Barry did this cool thing where he vibrated his hand and put it on the lock so it jiggled the lock to the point of it just falling off.

"Nice," I whispered.

Barry walked in first, his arm out slightly to keep me behind him.

My head was on a swivel and stopped when I heard a voice.

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