Chapter 1

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A consistent beeping noise was filling the space around me as I woke up from my nap -- I'd assumed it was a nap considering it was light outside when I opened my eyes. But the thing was, I don't remember ever falling asleep. The last thing I remembered was the Particle Accelerator. 


I bolted up and looked around. I breathed a sigh of relief as I realized I was in the living room of our apartment. I wanted to get up, but a slight tugging sensation on my hand stopped me. 

My groggy mind finally realized what kind of a bed I was lying on, a medical bed, and attached to my hand was my least favorite type of pointy object, a needle. I carefully peeled back the tape that had kept it in place, took a deep breath, and pulled it out quickly. It wasn't as painful as I had imagined, but the tiny swell of blood made me race to find a band aid. 

As I was putting it on just inside the kitchen, I heard Amanda call from the other room. 

"Kate? Is that you?" she asked. 

"Yeah. Mind telling me what this stuff is all about?" I called back.

I watched from the end of the hallway as she came out from the third bedroom, something she never usually did because we didn't use the third bedroom for anything other than a spare room. 

She looked slightly cautious as she walked towards me, and she hugged me tightly when she could reach me. 

"How are you feeling?" she asked as she pulled back. 

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm great. How are you feeling?"

She gave a small laugh as we walked back to the living room and sat down on the couch. She tucked one foot under her other leg and faced me, taking one of my hands into hers. 

"Do you remember anything about what happened?" she asked. 

"You mean last night? I remember being on the roof and that giant mushroom cloud from the accelerator blowing up, but that's it," I said, my eyes narrowing slightly. "Is something wrong? Why did I wake up on that bed?"

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she looked at me, her eyes filled with pity. She let go of my hand and rubbed hers on her pants before speaking. 

"Kate, you've been asleep for two months."

I starred at her for a moment, not quite understanding what she said. My eyebrows furrowed together. 

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You've been in a coma for two months."

"But, I -- didn't we just -- I'm not really following you," I said in confusion. 

She stood up and walked towards the windows, her hands twisting together nervously. 

"The Particle Accelerator malfunctioned two months ago. I found you up on the roof after it happened. Kate, you were struck by lightning," she said seriously. 

I didn't move as I processed this information. I had been struck by lightning? Shouldn't I be dead? 

"You are very lucky to be alive," she said. "Your heart stopped on numerous occasions, but you kept fighting. I didn't think you would wake up this soon."

Why wasn't I taken to the hospital? I thought to myself. 

"It was safer to keep you here, for me to keep an eye on you," she said as if in tune to what I was thinking to myself. 

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