Chapter 50

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April 20th, 2015

We were at the cortex like always. I was lounging in my bean bag chair while Cisco explained what he had found out about Wells' wheelchair. Apparently there was tech in his wheelchair that allowed him to power up his speed.

And then then computer went off like it tends to in situations like these.

"The accelerator. It's been reactivated," Cisco said in a panic.

"It can't be," Caitlyn told him.

"How is that possible? It blew up," Joe asked.

"It had to of been rebuilt," I stood up saying.

"Wells," was all Barry said.

"Even if he did rebuild it, how did Doctor Wells even turn the particle accelerator on?" Caitlyn brought the question into play.

Barry thought for a moment before a though hit him. "He's here. That's why we haven't been able to find him. He's been here this whole time."

The three guys and I walked out towards to entrance to the particle accelerator. We crept slowly towards the door.

"Cisco why did you bring that orange soda for?" Joe asked quietly.

"Whenever something happens with the Reverse-Flash, liquid floats in the air. You know, Barry's fish tank, Well's champagne, Lance's coffee. Remember that? If this does the same thing, we'll know that Wells is in there," Cisco explained.

I gave him an impressed look. "Nice," I whispered.

We were standing right in front of the door when Barry told Cisco to open it. Joe had is gun drawn and I was tense to grab someone and run.

Barry and I peeked inside from different sides of the door while Joe remained in the middle with his gun down but ready to fire.

"Damn, this is," Joe paused. "Big."

I snickered. "That's what she said."

Barry hushed me as we turned to see Cisco's drink floating just like he said it would.

"Guys," he called out and my hair was whipped back as a red and yellow blur flew past us.

I didn't wait for Barry to go because I knew he was right behind me as we chased after him.

It got to the point where I just couldn't go fast enough. I slowed down as Barry just shot forward almost in reach of him.

I could see the red lightening diminish into the distance as Barry's yellow stopped ahead. I dashed forward until I reached him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"We have to get back," I breathed out.

Barry just nodded as we ran back, swerving around different buildings as we went. It would have been fun except for the fact that Wells had gotten away.

By the time we got back, I put my hands on my knees to catch my breath back.

"Wells got away," I told them.

"He was too fast. He's always too fast," Barry muttered.

I perked up. "Hey, Eddie."

"We found him under that hatch in the pipeline," Cisco informed us.

"I'm so sorry. I thought I looked everywhere for you," Barry stuttered out his words as we walked towards them.

I put my hand on Eddie's arm for just a quick second. "I can't believe you were right here this whole time."

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