Chapter 52

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It had been only a few days since we had captured Wells. I got Barry to take a few days off, stress free, and to let me handle the petty crimes around town. It had taken some convincing, but I knew he needed it.

I often was the one who brought food in for Eobard since what he said didn't really affect me. It was mainly about how he hadn't expected me to be with Barry at this time because in his time from the future, Barry and I hadn't met for a few more years. Amanda and I had been living in Centennial together apparently. I guess me being on the roof at the time of the explosion changed my timeline.

Not much was going on in the world of crime, however, so I spent my days running around time just passing some time, or I would be at home with Barry.

Home. It was such a great feeling walking through the door and him being there to greet me. I didn't feel alone.

But one day I came home to find he was gone.

There was a note left on the counter that said he had gone to the lab. I guess his break time was up.

I cleaned myself up since I had been out all day running around, slipped on some jeans and a sweater of Barry's before making my way to the lab.

Everyone's eyes turned to me as I ran into the cortex, papers flying everywhere.

I noticed they weren't looks of happiness.

"What's going on?" I asked walking into the room cautiously.

"Barry wants to go back in time to save his mom," Cisco straight up said.

My head whipped to Barry. "What?!"

"I haven't made up my mind," he glared at Cisco who just held his hands up.

"This gift has unparalleled risk," Martin Stein graced us with his wisdom. "Barry, the night your mother died - the night you saved yourself from being killed - that event altered the timeline you were already on and changed the course of history."

"So what you're saying is we're living in a parallel universe?" I confirmed.

"Just like when we time traveled before," Barry said.

"But he, he only changed one day that time," Joe pointed out with a gesture to Barry.

"Exactly! Now imagine fifteen years of compound experiences. One different decision no matter how big or small impacts everything that follows. Moments upon moments. Choices upon choices. New relationships. Nothing would be as it is today and you'd never know the difference because you would never remember any of it," Stein said excitedly at the science behind it.

I looked to Barry with sad eyes and a slightly gaped mouth as Stein mentioned relationships.

"So if I go back in time," Barry thought, "my dad doesn't go to prison, I never live with Joe and Iris."

"You might never meet me," Cisco said sadly. "Or Caitlyn or Ronnie. Or Kate."

Barry couldn't meet my eyes.

"The truth is there's no real way of knowing what your life will be," Stein said bluntly.

"There's no choice here, Barry. You have to do this. You have to change the past," Joe told him and grabbed his coat to walk out.

Barry jogged after him.

"Kate?" a small voice came up to me.

I looked up to meet Cisco's eyes.

"I don't want him to go either," he said honestly, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Who am I to stop him from saving his mother?" I whispered and looked at the boy with shiny eyes.

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