Chapter 28

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Iris had asked Barry to get coffee with her later that night, so I went back to my apartment and went up to the roof. The air was cold and the wind was not kind, but I didn't really care at that point. I really had no reason to be as angered as I was with what happened, but I was. I had grown to care about Caitlyn and Cisco so much - Caitlyn didn't deserve to lose Ronnie because of something that could have been avoided. Cisco didn't deserve to lose such a great friend and be betrayed by the one person he idolized. The only thing I got out of this was super speed. And Barry.

If the Particle Accelerator hadn't exploded, would I have ever met Barry? Would I have created my wonderful friends and had this exciting life? Probably not, but does it seem worth it if people died to make it happen?

This inner battle with myself was not one I planned on having. I didn't like to think about death. I didn't like to think that my happiness was caused by the loss of another. It made me feel dirty to have this power and to be in a relationship with such a beautiful person.

I could hear the latter rattle as someone climbed it.

"You're having an inner battle with yourself and its hurting my head," my best friend said as she climbed over the edge and held out a mug to me.

"Thanks," I said quietly and looked out over the city. My city.

"It's not wrong to be happy," she said taking a seat next to me.

"I know, but its wrong the way it happened," I said back.

"It wasn't your fault this happened. It was a mistake on Harrison Wells' part and he will have to live with that for the rest of his life."

I agreed with her. "I guess it just makes me sad to see how much it hurt Cisco and Caitlyn and Barry. They all trusted him and then he tells them that. Its terrible."

"That man has always rubbed me the wrong way," she said honestly, her brows coming together.

"What do you mean?" I asked, shifting towards her more.

"I haven't told you this," she began looking timid to continue. "I didn't want you involved because you'd think I could figure it out on my own what with my abilities."

"Amanda, what's going on?" I asked more sternly.

She took a deep breath, watching my expression. "I can't read Harrison Wells' mind."

I just looked at her with confusion plastered on my face. "What do you mean you can't read his mind?"

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not sure how else I could say that, Kate. Ever since I met him, I couldn't connect to his mind like I can with other people. It's like he's blocking me somehow."

"But that's impossible! He shouldn't be able to do that!" I nearly shouted.

"I know that," she said disgruntled. "I just don't know why I can't. But like I said, it's not something you should worry about, but I would be cautious around that man. Who knows what else he has been hiding."

I thought about her words carefully. Who knows what else he's been hiding.

In the midst of my thoughts, my phone started going off.

"Hello?" I answered not bothering to look at who was calling.

"Kate, Hartley's gotten out," Barry informed me.

"Okay, I'm on my way," I said.

"Should I come?" Amanda asked standing up on the roof while I remained on the edge.

"I'll call if we need help, okay?" And I raced off.

I zoomed into the building to find Caitlyn looked dazed.

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