Chapter 30

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February 19th 2015

Last night Barry had saved a couple after their car had crashed into a telephone pole and Barry's speed was the highest its ever been. I was super pissy when it came to training because I was only about ten miles per hour short of him.

And also to ruin the metahuman free weeks we've been having, suddenly this prison, Clay Parker, escapes from jail as if he just vanished from his cell. Come to find out, it was actually a woman who had sprung him free. Shawna Baez seemed to have cells that moved in a way that completely rivaled Barry's and mine. Caitlyn and Dr. Wells are still looking into it.

At the moment, I'm now sitting at Jitters on the phone with a customer who wants to buy one of my photographs of a beach I had ran to last week. I used my super speed to capture a picture of a dolphin jumping out of the water that not many photographers have the luxury of capturing.

"Yes, ma'am this is Kate Daniel," I said into the phone and taking a sip of my caramel latte.

"Miss Daniel, my name is Tracey Barker. My boss is interested in purchasing your photograph for his office space. He is very fond of the sea and believes your photo captures a rare view of it," the woman said formally but with a nice tone.

"I'm very glad to hear that, Ms. Barker. What size is your boss interested in?" I asked politely.

"The largest size you can make," she said nonchalantly.

My eyes widened as I almost spit out my coffee. "The biggest I can make is a 76" by 80" photo, ma'am."

"That'll be perfect. We want it covering as much of the wall as possible," she informed me.

At this moment, I used my super speed to multitask as I saw Barry walk inside the coffee shop. He noticed me and gave me a wave. I put up my pointer finger to tell him to give me a minute. He nodded, understanding and saw Iris also, so he sat down by her until I was done.

"My price for a photograph that large is around 350 dollars," I made sure to tell her.

"That's fine. When can you have it ready?" she asked not even bothered by the amount.

"I will call my partner today and have it ready by the beginning of next week," I said.

"Perfect. I will email you the address and have the money transferred to you once the photograph gets here," she said and said her goodbyes.

I smiled slightly to myself. I just made over 300 dollars on just one picture. Yay.

I got up and took my coffer over to where Barry and Iris were. We talked for a little bit before Barry had to go and talk to his dad with Joe.

Apparently Henry Allen has been talking around the prison to find information about Parker. I could tell Barry wasn't happy that he was doing that. Who knows what could happen in prison to someone who was gaining information about a criminal?

After I left Jitters, I went to visit Caitlyn at the lab since Cisco was nowhere to be found and Amanda was working.

"Hi, Caitlyn," I said cheerfully and plopped down on the bean bag.

"Hello, Kate," she greeted me with a small smile and continued to look at her computer.

"Whatcha up to?" I asked.

"I found something interesting about Clay's cells when interacting with Shawna's," she said as enthusiastically as she could. "They adopt her properties when they come into contact with hers."

"So whatever she can do, he can do it as long as she is with him?" I asked.


I looked at her carefully. "What's wrong?"

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