Chapter 3

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It was an unreal feeling when I accomplished something with my powers.

First it was the voice and face thing, then it was the running on water (that was a fun experience that scared the shit out of Amanda), and finally breaking the sound barrier. It was like that feeling inside of me had taken me to a whole new level of speed. It was brilliant.

I felt unstoppable. Even Amanda could tell my confidence was at the top of it's game (not cockiness, confidence).

That is, until I met him.

2 Months Later

October 11, 2014

"How's the suit?" Amanda asked through the ear piece of my headgear.

"It's perfect," I grinned.

About a week ago, Amanda had finished the final details of our suits -- Amanda doesn't go out and fight crime like I do, but she still wanted her own suit. I mean, why not? Mine was a play off of the color of the streak I left behind, blue. (The picture on the left) The high boots provided comfort and stability when I ran, the gloves had lightening bolts on the back of them in the the pure white color of my own lightening, a bolt was centered in the middle of my chest, and my mask attached to a thick blue headband that Amanda had recommended in order to keep my hair our of my face. The ear piece was somehow attached to the headgear and rested securely in my ear so I could talk to my right-hand woman. The suit had some sensors in it to monitor my vitals so Amanda could tell if something was wrong. All of this was possible because of my best friend's genius brain.

Her suit was very similar to mine; (The picture on the right) same structure but with her own flare to it. The high boots, long gloves, and silver belt buckle really tied the whole outfit together, especially since it's orange. She created her mask with The Wolverine in mind since that is her favorite comic book character and stuck with bright green and blue accents. I suggested the silver background so her suit doesn't draw too much attention. And being the dork that she was, she wanted a cape even though I had reminded her about what Mr. Incredible had went through. But, she wouldn't budge.

So here I am now in my handy-dandy blue suit racing through the streets searching for the fire that Amanda had warned me about.

"Remember, Western and Third, Kate," she said seriously.

I rolled my eyes as I flew threw the streets. "I got it, 'Manda."

"My code name is Portal! We talked about this! If anyone hears you talking to me they could figure out who you are!" she yelled at me, her voice making me cringe even through the phone.

"Fine, Miss Portal. And I doubt anyone could hear me anyway," and then I said with a smirk, "They can't even see me."

In no time I got to the building that was currently filling up the surrounding air with smoke.

"Portal, I have to go in. There are people in there." I said trying to figure out a way in, my mind speeding up so the world could slow down.

"Just do it, Kate. People have already sighted the Blue Streak anyways!"

Is that what they're calling me? Gross.

I took a deep breath and ran inside grabbing the first person I could and running them back out. What? I lift. (Plus I gained a bit of strength thanks to my cells being extra awesome). I was about to turn around and go back inside when I saw a bit of red in the corner of my eye. I blurred my face as everyone began to notice I was just standing there, and saw Red run inside. I quickly followed, remembering that there were still people in the building, and grabbed a young girl. She didn't have time to register the fact that she was outside before her mother grabbed her and held her tight.

The woman looked at me, my blurred face confusing her for a second.

"Thank you," she whispered, tears in her eyes as she clutched her daughter.

"You're welcome," my low pitched voice spoke.

I dashed once more through the building checking to see if anyone else was inside. I guess Red must have gotten them all. I ran out before any of the building could collapse on me, and flew down the street into an alley where I secretly watched the firefighters put out the fire.

"Did you do it? Were you seen?" my partner asked through the ear piece, sounding as if she were eating something. Probably a sandwich.

"They saw me, but I blurred my face. They don't know who I am."

"Good, now come home because dinner is ready."

I smiled and looked one more time at the mother and daughter holding onto each other for dear life before I turned around to go home. But in no more than a millisecond, I noticed someone standing there. I blurred my face instantly, my voice ready to vibrate.

"Who are you?" the man in a red suit similar to mine asked.

In a matter of seconds, I looked him over. I couldn't tell much of who he was because of his full faced mask, but I could tell he had green eyes. And he was tall. I'm a sucker for tall.

"I could ask you the same thing," I said, crossing my arms.

"Are you like me?" he asked, taking a step forward.

I dropped my arms and backed up.

"Probably, yes. But, I have to go," I said. "Thanks for your help today."

He quickly touched his ear and spoke to someone. "It's a girl. A girl metahuman. She helped me save those people from the fire. She's a speedster."

He winced at what I could assume was because of someone yelling at him.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be there, Caitlyn," he sighed, and then looked at me, his green eyes flashing in the darkness of the alley. "Will I see you again?"

I smirked even if he couldn't see it. "Most likely. You're not the only super in this city, you know."

He laughed and ran off in a flash as I took off in the opposite direction.

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