Chapter 21

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After I left the lab, I made my way back to my apartment. At least I hope it was still my apartment. I didn't bother coming through the balcony considering Amanda locked it after I left, so I took the stairs and knocked on the door. I heard her rustling around before opening the door.

"I expect a full-on apology and you are making dinner tonight," she said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Wait, you're not blowing up on me and I am super confused."

"I went to the lab after your little explosion to see what was going on. Caitlyn explained everything to me," she explained and walked towards the kitchen.

"Amanda, I'm so sorry about saying all of those things. You know I appreciate everything you and your family have done for me. I guess Prism exaggerated my feelings towards everyone being super protective of me nowadays, but the thing is I don't mind it because I would rather have it that way then you not caring at all," I apologized.

She just cocked an eyebrow. "And?"

"And I am sorry that I yelled at you because you didn't deserve it."


"And, I'll cook your favorite tonight and bake a cake."


"And..." I didn't know what she was trying to hint at.

"Nah, I'm just kidding. That was good enough. I know it wasn't completely your fault," she smiled. "And I want tacos for dinner tonight."

"You got it," I laughed and got ready to cook.

Barry had called me sometime in the middle of my baking saying he would be over in time for dinner. I was just finishing up warming the tortillas when there was a knock on the door.

It's Barry, Amanda let me know since she was finishing some last minute business for her job.

"Come in!" I hollered and set out the different toppings for the tacos.

"Hey," he greeted as he shut the door and walked towards me.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and pulled the cake out of the oven since the timer had just gone off.

"What's this for?" he asked with a smile.

"My apology to Amanda," I simply said.

"Ah, right. Good apology."

"Hey, Barr," Amanda greeted as she walked into the room and gave him a hug. "Is dinner ready?"

"Yea, just got done," I answered, and everyone dug in. I ate a little faster than the other two so I could ice the cake in Amanda's suit colors. I thought it was clever.

I cut and served us all a piece and we moved our little party to the living room. Barry took the lounger and I sat down on the floor in between his legs while Amanda stretched out on the couch.

"This is nice," Amanda sighed in content and rubbed her stomach after she was finished.

"I would have to agree," Barry smiled and ran around the room to collect our plates and put them in the sink in the kitchen.

"What should we do for the rest of the night?" I asked, noticing it was only 10 o'clock.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I have work in the morning," Amanda said getting up from her seat. "Plus, Barry has to talk to you."

"Stay out of his head!" I yelled as she walked down the hall.

Barry sat on the floor in front of the sofa, so I scooted over to sit right next to him.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked, putting my hand on his knee.

"I talked to Iris tonight," he said. "As The Flash."

I gave him a look. "Not like last time. She is really upset with us. Mainly you, but since we're a team, us. She told me not to contact her anymore."

My face fell. "Barr, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. Let me go talk to her. This is my fault and I should have apologized to her, too."

He shook his head. "I already tried talking to her and apologizing for you saying you were affected by the metahuman. She didn't care and agreed with what Eddie and I had been saying to her about not getting involved."

I was stuck between feeling good about Barry not talking to Iris as The Flash anymore, but I knew how it hurt him to have her feel that way about his alias especially when he did nothing wrong.

"I'm sorry, Barry," I whispered and laid my head on his shoulder.

"At least she's still friends with non-metahuman me," he sighed, and laid his head on mine. "It's better this way."

"I know we had that talk about Iris and Felicity, but I want you to know that I was stupid and I trust you, Barry. I trust you more than I trust myself. I understand your feelings for Iris have change and I respect that you have a great friendship with her. I wouldn't want that jeopardized even if I can be a jealous girlfriend," I confessed.

"I like that word," he simply said.

"Which one?"

"Girlfriend," he lifted his head to smile at me.

"It'll stay that way as long as you want it, Barr. I'm too far gone when it comes to liking you," I admitted and raised my head so I could look at him.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed me for a few seconds. "Good because I might just have to keep you around."

December 22, 2014

"So, who gets to put the star on this year?" I asked my best friend as I strategically placed a picture of Amanda and I in ornament form on our tree.

"It's my turn," she said. "If my memory serves me right."

"Ha ha very funny," I smiled and continued to put on ornaments. "This is taking forever."

"You're the one who didn't want to use your speed because it would 'take away from the meaning of Christmas'," she reminded me. "Besides, we're almost done."

I admired the tree that Barry had helped us bring into the apartment. It was a tradition to bring a real tree into the apartment and cover it in decorations that we've gathered throughout the years.

"Just one more," Amanda stretched towards the top on her step stool. "And there."

With the star on top, it looked perfect. I went to plug it in and the white lights filled the corner nicely. There were already a few presents underneath the tree as well.

"Its perfect," I admired.

"Of course it is. Its our tree," Amanda remarked.

I smiled at the woman. She was truly my best friend and I was so thankful to spend every Christmas with her.

I barely heard my phone go off since it was still in my room, but I could just make out the One Direction song playing. Yes, I had embraced my guilty pleasure music.

"Hello?" I asked plopping down on the couch after returning from my room.

"Katie," Barry's voice spoke. "I need you to meet me at S.T.A.R. Labs in like ten minutes."

"Yeah, okay. Should I bring Amanda?" I asked already moving to get my beanie and shoes from my room.

"Yea that's fine. We could use her."

Amanda was already waiting by the door when I hung up the phone.

"Stay out --"

"Of my head, I know. Let's go."

Amanda beat me there since her teleportation was instantaneous. I slowed down before entering the doors as to not blow everything around. Cisco, Caitlyn, Dr. Wells, Amanda, and Barry were all in a sort of circle around the cortex.

"So," I began. "What's going on?"

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