Chapter 43

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The night was taken off course as Iris left Eddie to go to her dad's and we got a text that there was an emergency at the lab. We apologized and ran off.

Barry beat me back just in time to capture the bee that had gotten loose that was aiming for Wells. It was another awkward encounter.

Cisco figured out that the bee is actually a robot. We called Felicity and Ray so they could come take a look at the next gen tech that had been discovered.

Barry called up Joe to meet us at Mercury Labs to talk to Tina McGee. Joe asked her about her two employees that had been killed, but she had no idea. That is, until we told her it had to do with bees. She gave us the name Brie Larvan. She had been creating robotic bees that turned into a military project that McGee had terminated. We offered her protection, but she denied it.

Barry ended up meeting Felicity at Jitters to tell her about Brie while I went back home to let Amanda know about our new evil super controlling bees.

"Bees freak me out," she shook her body as she thought about them. "Did you get stung at all?"

"Yea actually. I kind-of sorta died momentarily," I gave a short, unhumorous laugh. "Guess that's why they call me Momenta."

She slapped me on the arm. "That is so not funny! You frickin' died? Do I have to start being around you 24/7?"

I shook my head many times. "It was an accident. I'm fine now. Speedy healing powers remember?"

"That doesn't matter. You have to be more careful," she said all mom-like. "I can't worry about you while I'm in Centennial, Kate."

"You don't have to worry, 'Manda. Centennial needs you more than I do. Because of you, crime rates are down drastically in the city and people fear your bright neon suit."

She shoved me for teasing her, a grin etched on her face.

"Just stop getting into dangerous situations and please for my sake and Barry's, don't die again!"

Amanda went to get ready for bed while I stayed up and leaned against the balcony. My phone buzzed.

Can I come over?


Yes, of course.

Not a minute later after I hit send, arms were wrapped around my waist and I felt the weight of a cheek pressed against my head.

"I missed you," Barry mumbled into my hair.

I smiled. "I just saw you not two hours ago."

"I meant I miss this. Just being with you without all the drama of our lives."

I turned around to face him and leaned against the railing. His hands remained wrapped around me.

"I miss you, too. But that's our lives, Barr. We're supers. It's what we do."

"I know," he sighed and leaned his forehead against mine. "It's all just so stressful sometimes."

"Wanna lay in bed and annoy Amanda with our thoughts? I bet she's not sleeping yet," I suggested.

He gave a small laugh and smiled. I kissed him and grabbed his hand as we made our way towards my room.

We stripped into our usual bedtime attire and I snuggled against Barry's side. I kissed his chest where his rapid heart rate was.

"Iris is staying at Joe's. She thinks Eddie is cheating on her."

"Did you tell her he's not?"

"Yes, of course. I told her his job was taking a toll on him and it was too dark for her to be involved."

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