Chapter 37

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The Next Day

I met Cisco early down in the basement where he immediately began shooting me orders to plug things in and start things up.

My speed definitely helped.

"Plug that in there, and then that it there, and then turn that on over there," he instructed and I did as follows.

The machine started up and Cisco began tapping away on his laptop that he brought down.

"Now, let's see if you can tell us what really went on that night," he said out loud.

"Yes, machine that can understand us. Please do tell," I teased.

He gave me a look, but still smiled.

We sat there for a while so the machine could load it's information onto the computer. Cisco finally leaned forward and yelled "What?" like he didn't like what he say.

"What happened?" I asked looking at the screen.

It read All Systems FUNCTIONAL. 100 % CAPACITY in bold letters.

"What the fuck?" I gasped.

"I don't understand," he said frustrated and closed the laptop before walking over to check on part of the machine. "This doesn't make any sense."

He plugged something in as a noise was made and the containment unit glowed as it powered the shield.

"Cisco!" I yelled suddenly and ran in front of him to block him from the yellow man that had appeared.

The man started speaking and it sounded oddly familiar.

"No, Kate, wait," he said and walked around me.

He walked up to the man in yellow and put his hand out. It went through. My eyes widened. "It's just a hologram?"

I could hear him gulp. "It's just a hologram."

"But, that means--"

I didn't finish as Cisco walked back towards the computer to rewind and replay the hologram over again. He walked a few steps closer to it again.

"I can't believe it," he said softly, in awe.

I walked up next to him and grabbed his hand. "What the actual fuck is going on?"

"Oh, I'm not like the flash at all," the hologram said.

We stiffened as a voice spoke from behind. "Some would say I'm the reverse."

We turned around slowly to see Dr. Wells. Standing up on his own two feet. Cisco's facial expression matched mine.

"I repeat. What the actual fuck?"

He walked forward and clapped. "You're incredibly clever, Cisco. I've always said so. And I would have never presumed you would figure it out, Miss Daniel."

"You're him," Cisco said as if saying it out loud clarified it. "The reverse flash."

"We have never been properly introduced," he said. "I am Eobard Thawne."

"Thawne?" Cisco thought out loud.

"Like Eddie?" I filled in.

The man nodded. "Let's call him a distant relative."

"The night that we trapped the reverse flash," Cisco began, pointing behind him. "You almost died."

He made a noise to confirm it.

"But there were two of you," I said confused.

He held up a finger and began to vibrate. He moved back and forth so quickly that two versions of his body were present. I took a step back in shock while Cisco moved forward.

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