Chapter 18

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To say I was pissed was an understatement. I knew there was something going on with Barry and Iris, but I didn't want to believe it was anything more than friendship since we were dating. We had just been out to lunch today!

I followed behind Barry at a safe distance so I knew where to go. I heard a gunshot go off and arrived just in time to see Barry move some officers out of the way. I immediately saw Joe West with a look of panic in his eyes, so I took the initiative to tackle him out of the way. The man aimed ready to shoot again before two arrows were suddenly flying through the air and into his body. We all turned around, a green figure in the shadows.

"Nice mask," a rough voice said, and the figure jumped up through the roof.

I was confused, but Barry had a shit-eating grin on his face. I was still pissed.

By the time I had left the fiasco and arrived back at the lab, Barry was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Barry?" I asked Cisco, anger evident in my voice and my mask hanging around my neck.

"Some friends of his are in town so he went to visit them," he said broadly.

"What friends?" I asked with a hint of menace in my voice.

I could tell Cisco was a little scared at my sudden show of anger. "The ones from Starling City. Felicity, Mr. Diggle, and Oliver Queen."

This was news to me. "Where are they?"

"Barry's suit pinged outside the city at an abandoned building north east," Caitlyn said without an argument.

I was gone by the time she said north. With my mask back on not wanting to give away my identity, I raced towards the building, my speed at its max.

"-- murder weapon is a boomerang," I heard a woman's voice say.

I appeared in a flash of blue next to a big man, my arms crossed over my chest. The man just starred at me like he had seen a ghost.

"What's this I hear about boomerangs?" I asked, not bothering to hide my voice since I had never met these people before.

"What are you doing here?" Barry asked a little excitedly.

"You like to keep me out of the loop. I like to stay in it," I said without much emotion.

"Barry, who is this?" the woman with slicked back blonde hair and bright lipstick asked.

I reached out to shake her hand. "I'm the partner. You must be Felicity."

"That's me," she confirmed. "Ohh, wait it makes so much sense now. Barry's mentioned you many times, Katie."

I looked at the man in red as his cheeks turned pink and he shrugged. I rolled my eyes, a smile bringing its way onto my face. Why does he do this to me? "It's just, Kate."

I looked at the other man beside Barry. He was clad in the same green suit that had saved us during the shooting. "Oliver Queen I presume? The Arrow from Starling City."

He nodded and shook my hand. "It's nice to meet you, Kate."

I didn't feel the need to keep my mask on, so I let it hang around my neck. My dirty blonde hair wild from the run.

"So, what's this about boomerangs?"

"As I was saying, there was a suspicious homicide in Starling where the murder weapon is a boomerang," Felicity continued from before.

"Cool!" Barry gushed and took the dangerous object from Felicity looking at it like it was toy.

Oliver gave him a look.

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