Chapter 16

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"Did you know about this?" I whirled around to face Amanda, holding the paper up.

She smirked. "Of course, Kate. I can read minds you know."

I was flabbergasted. I hadn't even thought about the fact that I had yet to officially name my super alias. No that I had a name, I was THRILLED.

"I can't believe they did this," I said, my mouth trying to come up with words to describe how I was feeling. "Do you know what this means?"

"What?" Amanda asked to humor me.

"I'm never going to be called that fucking Blue Streak shit again!"

Amanda laughed along with me and proceeded to shit down for dinner. "Eat before this gets cold and then you can go visit Barry."

My energy was high as I accidentally used my speed to sit down, nearly knocking the table over. My hand could no longer been seen as I stuffed the food in my face and gulped down my water.

"My god woman, slow down!" Amanda complained with a laugh.

I paused and calmed myself down enough to enjoy the rest of my meal with my best friend.

"Okay, now you can go," she dismissed me with a smile after we had finished.

"I'll cook tomorrow!" I yelled as I dashed out the balcony.

I was on full-happiness mode as I ran like a mad-woman towards S.T.A.R. Labs. I didn't even bother to give anyone a notice that I was coming. I watched the world in slow motion as I went through the already opened doors to the cortex, knocked every paper off of the desks, and Caitlyn and Cisco's hair become wild. I crashed into Barry without him knowing what hit him.

"Well, hello to you, too," he laughed, slightly out of breath at my sudden presence.

"Did you get the note then?" Cisco asked as he was picking up the papers.

I let go of Barry and ran around doing it quickly for him since I caused the mess and then pulled Cisco into a hug.

"I'm guessing that's a yes," Caitlyn said, a small smile gracing her lips.

"Yes, I saw them when I got home! I absolutely love it. Who thought of it?" I rushed out, and went to hug Caitlyn too since she deserved it because why not?

"I thought of it, duh," Cisco said. "But Barry thought of the note and Caitlyn picked out the flowers."

My smile hurt my face as I went back to Barry who welcomed me with open arms.

"I don't even know what to say," I mumbled into Barry's chest. "Thank you for getting rid of that awful Blue Streak name."

"You're welcome, Katie," Barry smiled and squeezed me a little tighter for a second before releasing me and just taking my hand.

"I don't even know what to do now," I said honestly still smiling. "I'm not even sure why I am so happy."

"I felt the same way when Iris finally started calling me the Flash on her blog," Barry said, a tinge of pink on his face. "It's like the powers are complete when you have a name."

"Momenta," Cisco said it out loud with a grin. "Momenta and the Flash."

"I like it," I laughed as Barry said "I love it."

I looked up at him and pecked him on the lips.

"So what are you up to today?" I asked the trio.

"Barry ran again for us, his speed keeps increasing with his energy, but you can be done if you'd like," Caitlyn said while looking at his chart.

I looked up at Barry hopefully. He smiled as he caught my eyes, a glint in his eyes.

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