Chapter 45

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"So this Hannible Bates has turned into quit the metahuman," Wells said. "Take a look. His cells have the ability to transmogrify."

We looked at the screen to see what he meant.

"Which is how he can become anyone," I said softly.

"Which is how he can look like anyone because he cannot appropriate your memory or your powers," Wells corrected me.

"Got it," Barry nodded. "Hands on the metahuman."

Wells cracked his knuckles and repeated what Barry said with a smile. "And to do that, Dr. Snow has completed a concoction that will help you to do that."

She showed us her little serum gun that will deprive his cells of an electrical charge to change his appearance.

"His shape-shifting days are over," I smirked.

"Wow, that's great, thanks Cai--" Barry tried to put a hand on her shoulder but she flinched away.

Barry respected her space as a ping sounded on the computer notifying that Barry's cell phone was at the airport.

Barry grabbed two backpacks for him and me so we could shove our suits in them so we could go to the airport with normal clothes on to blend in. I ran by home to grab a beanie and sunglasses to put over my head.

We were at the airport in different parts. I was sitting on a bench "reading" a newspaper while Barry was standing on another platform talking on his phone. I could hear him through my ear piece.

"Guys, are you sure he's here?" I could hear Barry ask.

"According to the GPS on you phone, he's there," Wells assured us.

My eyes scanned the room quickly.

"Got him," Barry whispered. I got up and saw a flash of red got up the stairs. I followed as quickly as I could while not using my speed since I was still around people. As soon as I got to an empty area, I changed.

"Wells, where's Barry?" I asked while zipping around.

"Third floor, towards the east," was all I got.

I finally found him and a figure of Caitlyn.

"Wait, please don't hurt me," it pleaded and then sprayed Barry with pepper spray.

She punched and kicked him so he flew back a bit which gave me the opportunity to race forward.

"I don't mind hitting a girl," I smirked and punched "her" in the nose and proceeded to throw her into a caged wall.

She got up, wiped her bloodied mouth as it transformed to Iris. Barry was up this time as we tag teamed the shape-shifter.

Barry got a shot to the throat as it was suddenly Eddie in front of us.

"Not so hero-like," he taunted to Barry. "Treat all your women like that?"

Barry went all speed punch on him until he flew back over a cart and hit the wall. As he slide down, I raced to one side to see him transform into... Me.

Barry appeared on the other side. His eyes widened as he looked at the both of us.

"Well, look at that," my not-self said. "I'm Momenta."

I lunged forward and grabbed her so that we were back out in the open fighting.

"You may look like me, but I'm the original," I gritted my teeth as we fought back and forth, my speed giving me a slight edge.

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