sliding into yo dms like. . .

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sliding into yo dms like. . .
word count; 489

s u m m a r y ; justin dms you on social media, btw, that gif has me dying, because it fits the imagine so well

{ (Y/N)'s Pov }

"Should I get skim or regular?" My best friend asked, holding up a carton of regular milk and a carton of skim milk.

We were at a local grocery store, getting some essential things for our place. I didn't want to go, but my best friend had forced me, saying that I needed to stop being so lazy. . .

"I don't know. Milk is milk, does it really matter? You barely drink milk," I explain to her, making her second guess her options and choices. I watch, as she picks up the regular milk, and place it into the cart.

"It was just that easy," I say, under my breath, rolling my eyes. Why was my friend so complicated? She has never once even tasted skim milk, but she wants to buy it out of the blue? Okay, best friend, do what you do. I am not going to stop you.

I follow her around, as she rolled the cart around the store, placing things inside it, as we walked. I had pulled out my phone a few ago, and had been checking my media. Nothing had happened, just a few requests, that I accepted.

We continue like this for a while, until (Y/BF/N) says that all she needs is some noodles. I nod, and leave her in the candy aisle, to travel across the store for noodles. I find the aisle, like a minute later, and saw that there were almost a million brands. I groaned, pulling out my phone to text  (Y/BF/N) what type she wanted.

While texting her, I saw that I had got a notification on Instagram. After sending the text, I go onto Instagram to see a dm from some person. "Ook," I say, opening the chat up.

{ jbieber: hi }

{ me: umm, hi }

{ jbieber: so whatchu doin }

{ me: how did you get my Instagram? }

{ jbieber: i searched #prettygirls, and you showed up🍑 }

{ if you are still reading this, comment #prettygirls }

{ me: was that like a pickup line? }

{ jbieber: no...thts what i did... }

I laughed at that text, and agreed not to reply back, not yet, at least.

"(Y/N)?" My friend came into the aisle, her eyes glaring at me. "What?" I say, putting my phone into my pocket, only to hear it vibrate. I ignore it, putting all my attention on my best friend. "I was looking for you! Did you even get my text?" She spoke, not letting me respond, as she stomped over to the noodles and placed them into her cart.

I followed after, as she stomped all the way to the check out line. . .

~  ~  ~
so, how'd you like it?
[ being fairy godmother was fun af ]

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