convos with justin;1

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conversations with Justin be like;1
word count: 293

s u m m a r y ; just a conversation with justin

"Hey, babe," You heard Justin's voice as you poked around in your closet. You turned around and stood straight up, "Yeah, Justin?"

Justin stood in the middle of the bedroom you two share, with his butt in the air.

"Does my butt look flat in these jeans. . .or what?" Justin asked, genuinely interested in what you thought.

You bit your lip, keeping your laugh inside as Justin thrusted his jean covered butt in the air.

"Yas, you got a flat ass," You said, still shuffling through your things. Justin whined, and pouted.

"It's okay, Jussie, you ain't the only one," You giggled, bending over, placing your shoes with the matching one.

Justin groaned, and continued to pout on the bed.

"Really though? I thought I was working with something!" Justin argued with you.

"Babe, that's where you got it wrong! You thought!" You shouted, laughing at your weird ass boyfriend.

"Haha, very funny," Justin mumbled, coming over to you. You were still fixing up your stuff.

At that very moment, you felt a sting on your ass. It made you drop the heel in your hand.

"What the hell, Justin!" You shout, moving to stand straight up to face him.

Justin snickered, as you hissed in pain. "Now that's not a flat ass," justin teased, smirked at you as he thought in victory.

You were now the one whining and pouting, "That hurt," You rubbed your backside, walking away.

Justin grinned at you, "You want me to make it fill better!?" Justin asked you, following you like a puppy.

"No!" You shouted, leaving him in the bedroom.


[ just a snippet of how talking to Justin can be ]
i feel it is always weird
[ bieberdaycare ]

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