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princess bieber / belieberthings6
word count: 525

s u m m a r y ; where justin is your little princess

[ oh ma gosh. . .someone things I can actually do good imagines. . .]
yay! this is for Belieberthings6 .
[ i wanted to write a good one ]
here we goo . . .

so this is a requested tag like thing. i nominate: KingBieber_Slays -blackertheberry   (you have to write an imagine)

side note: sorry it's short. . .


You walk into the house you shared with Justin and your five your old daughter.

You put your coat on the hanger, and stepped further into the house. You could hear a pin drop. It was so quiet.

"Justin!" You shouted through the house, trying to figure out where your little family was.

A minute later, you heard Justin's voice from upstairs.

You sighed, and kicked your shoes off, before rushing up.

You followed the voice to your daughter's room. You heard her voice and Justin's.

"Daddy! Let me put the pink paint on,your toes!" You heard your daughter whine, as you walked up to the door.

"No, baby, it doesn't match my skin!" Justin argued back, with the little girl in the room.

The almost laughed, walking in on two. Justin sat in a little chair, which looked uncomfortable to be in. A tutu wrapped around his lean waist, which might be a little small for him. A tiara pinched the sides of his head, probably cutting circulation to his head and brain.

One heel was placed on his left foot, squeezing it. Hard.

You laughed at the site.

Your daughter sat at Justin's right foot, trying to apply pink paint to it.

"Aww, look at the princess!" You chirpes from the door, catching their attention.

Your daughter dropped the polish onto her hot pink rug before running over to you. You two hugged, and you squeezed her tightly, loving the feel of her around you.

You both let go, and looked over at the princess himself.

"Hey, babe," Justin said, waving sheepishly at you. He blushed, as you waved back and gave him a quick peck on his cheek. His cheek had caked-up make up on it.

"Is that my make up on your face?" You giggled into his ear, before pulling away. He blushed even harder.

"Nooo," Justin said, shuffling back in the chair. "Of course not!" Justin said, waving the question off.

"It's okay, princess," You teased, patting his well defined shoulder. He scoffed, mumbling under his breath. Your daughter giggled at the two of you.

"Alright, babycakes, daddy has to clean himself up," Justin got up and stumbled over to his daughter. He gave her a big kiss on the cheek.

You and Justin left your daughter to play on her own.

"So, princess, how was your day?" You asked, as you both made your way to the bedroom. You couldn't help but tease him.

Justin rolled his pretty eyes at you. "Okay, now give me a kiss," Justin demanded from you playfully pulling you into him.

"Okay. First take off all that make up,princessa," You said at his puckered up lips. He groaned, "Fine! But you owe me!"

You laughed, "Okay, my princess!"

[ okaii, that's my imagine! ]
hope you enjoyed
[ bieberdaycare ]

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