Chapter 47: Epilogue Part 1

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*4 Year Later- Peyton*

Peyton was currently on a flight back home, after graduating high school she had gotten a internship in Los Angeles for a record label, she would work there and go to college at Berkley, music was her motion and she wanted to be able to discover new artist that would change the world that would put all their feelings in what they loved to do and Peyton wanted to help because music had gotten her through some very difficult times.


After high school Lucas had gotten accepted to several colleges such as NYU, Brown, Princeton, and Stanford. To him they were all great school but he already knew what school he wanted to go to there was no question, he would be going to Stanford to be near the one he loved Peyton. yes he would miss his family and friends but he knew he couldn't be far from Peyton he loved her and couldn't be one day without seeing her. Peyton had sent a copy of his book Un Now 4 years later they were still together and not only that they had recently gotten engaged and were going back home to share the news since they were on vacation for the holidays. He looked next to him and seen a sleeping Peyton with her head resting on his shoulder.


Brooke had it all in her life after graduating she moved to New York, before she even graduated she started her own clothing line "Clothes Over Bros"  and she instantly became a billionaire, she would style every famous person, she would have her own fashion show and she would always be on the go always flight off to some fashion week event, she would literally travel the world, such as Barcelona, Paris, Los Angeles, Germany, Italy. It was non stop action with her and as much as she loved it there were times where she wished that she could have a normal life but if it wasnt for Julian being by her side she would have gone crazy. After the trap that her friends did she had no other choice to talk to him. At first she was hesitant to actually believe him but she finally let her heart talk and they ended up getting together and since then they had been growing strong.


The day that Brooke had finally let her walls down and let him in was the happiest day in his entire life. After graduating he moved with Brooke to New York, he always wanted to be a producer and was ecstatic when he got in NYU. After 4 years he graduated and was now a movie producers when Brooke's mom Victoria first met him she was bitch to him she thought Brooke didn't need the distraction of a guy and was always trying to break them up luckily her attempts never worked, now that he was a producer he really wanted to work on a movie and he knew which movie he wanted to produce of course he would have to get rights of the book and if he was luckily he would be getting the right to Lucas's book, "An Unkindness Of Ravens"


Haley's dream school was always Stanford but that didn't end up going there, instead she ended up going to Duke with Nathan. To say it was a surprise that she would decline her dream school was a surprise to everyone, well actually no they really were no surprise by what Haley and Nathan did anymore. You see a month before graduating Haley and Nathan got married, there were many rumors to why they got married but the biggest one had to be that Nathan knocked her up, well no there was no reason other than them being in love. Of course they had a hard time trying to decide what college to attend but Haley finally convinced Nathan that both of them could go to Duke at first Nathan felt bad that Haley was giving up her dream to be with him. A year later of graduating they decided to get married in front of all their loved one and it was beautiful. Haley decided to be a teacher but she wouldn't be able to tech for a while considering that she was now 7 months pregnant.

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