Chapter 44:

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"Lucas where is Peyton, how is she? What the hell happened?" he asked completely confused. Lucas tried to calm him down but it was no use because he could tell he was really worried about his daughter. So Lucas told him everything Larry got up after hearing Lucas and went to the first nurse he see because he wanted no NEEDED to see his daughter. The nurse made him follow her to see his daughter. As he walked in he had tears coming down when he seen her connected to so many wires. He couldn't take it his only daughter was in the hospital fighting for her life, he had lost his wife and now he was losing his daughter.

After being with her he walked over to the waiting room to let Lucas see her but before Lucas could see her the doctor that has been attending her walked up to them. "Mr. Sawyer I am doctor Boyle and I have been attending your daughter" the doctor introduced herself then she went on telling him  what they were doing "And since you are the father we think you would be the perfect blood type to donate blood to your daughter to start surgery to take out the bullet" doctor Boyle explained. Then Larry's face went white because he knew he couldn't donate blood he didn't not have the same blood type. Larry explained to the doctor how Peyton was adopted and they didn't know her biological parent.

The doctor suggested that people near to Peyton see if they can donate, so as soon as Larry told Lucas he immediately called Haley and from there on the word spread and soon everyone was in the waiting room to see if they can donate blood for her. Larry was so touched to see how many people cared about his daughter, he sat there waiting for the doctor to be back with the test results to see if anybody was a match with Peyton. "Peyton is the strongest person I know she will get through this" Brooke said as she sat down next to him. He simply nodded as she hugged him "Thank you Brooke for everything not just your words but for being there for Peyton I know everything that has happened between you two and Im so glad that even after that you two are still best friends, the only reason I leave okay is because I know Peyton has you" Larry said making Brooke cry.

"No matter what Peyton could never get rid of me she is like my sister and she is my family, like you said we have been through to much to just throw away years of friendship away, and Peyton and Lucas actually make a great couple he helps her get through the day and in some way he understands her even I dont understand that part but he does and Im happy for them" Brooke said and then the doctor walked back in now everybody was standing up all gathered around her. "It looks like there if one person that has the same blood type as Peyton." she looked around everybody and finally settled on Lucas "You Lucas you have the same blood type" everybody started crying of happiness, Lucas didn't even have to think about it before telling the doctor that he wanted to donate blood as soon as possible.

*40 Minutes Later*

Lucas was in the waiting room sitting down drinking juice and some crackers since he had already donated blood and was feeling a bit dizzy but he didn't care as long as he could save Peyton. The doctor had just left and told them that they were going to take Peyton to surgery and hopefully be out in 5 hours. Keith and Karen had came back from the diner with food for everybody since nobody wanted to leave the hospital until surgery was over. They hand convinced them to eat in the cafeteria considering that they would not have any news on Peyton anytime soon. They were all gathered around eating in silence until Brooke spoke up, "Peyton and I met in 2nd grade and it was so funny how we met" Brooke laughed remembering how they met "She was the new girl and the first day of school went to the back of the room to sit next to me some girl"

"And all of a sudden we hear screaming from the back and Peyton is on top of the girl and the girl was screaming and begging Peyton to stop and then the teacher rushed to the back and pulled Peyton off and gave Peyton detention and from then on everyone was scared of Peyton until one day I decided to talk to her and from then on we became friend and everyone misunderstood her and judge her and I was the only one to truly see her." Larry also laughed because it was clear that he remembered that day. Then one by one they each said how they met Peyton and before they even knew it they were all laughing and the hours passed by and they were now headed back up to the waiting room hopefully they would have news on her already.

They had to wit another hour until the doctor came back in "Surgery was a success she is back in her room" she explained. "Can we go see her?" Brooke asked the doctor, the doctor shook her head "She is still asleep from the anesthesia she wont be up until tomorrow so why dont all of you get some goo night sleep and come back tomorrow." the doctor said and walked away. They hated to leave the hospital but they knew the doctor was right so they all got up and left to their own houses. Brooke had been staying with Julian these past couple of days since she lived alone she felt lonely. The only good thing that tomorrow was a Saturday so they could all visit Peyton because Lucas knew that no matter what hi mother would not let him skip school.

It was 7am Saturday morning and Karen was surprised to see Lucas in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee, "Good morning Im surprised your awake before anybody especially your sister" Karen said as she served herself some coffee. Karen and Keith had just had a daughter about 4 months ago Lily Roe Scott and she would always be up crying at 6am but I guess today her children decided to change since Lily was still asleep and Lucas was awake. He couldn't help but chuckle "I have to get to the hospital in a bit I probably be there all day" he said as he started to leave but Karen stopped him "You cant remember Keith and I have a dinner to go to in the next town over and you promised that you would take care of Lily" she said causing Lucas to groan.

"I know that I promised mom but that was before all of this happened with Peyton can't you ask Haley to take care of Lily?" he asked her hoping she would say yes. But when he seen his mom shake her head she knew that he would have to take care of his sister. He didn't want to break his promise to his mom or Keith but they also had to understand that all he wanted to do was be with his girlfriend as soon as she woke up because he didn't really like to say it but he felt guilty that this happened to her. Even though had told him not to feel that way he couldn't help feeling like this.

After a 10 minute drive he finally arrived to the hospital and seen Brooke, and Larry sitting in the waiting room "Hey I thought you guys would be with Peyton already" he said as she sat next to Brooke. "No visitation doesn't start until 9am and they have to run some test to make sure everything is alright with her" Brooke said. They all remained silent not knowing what to say. After an hour of waiting the doctor walked up to them. "We ran all the test and it seems like everything is ok with her she still had some headache but with treatment those headaches should stop soon. She will have to be her about a week just to make sure she is alright, and it still is not time for visitation but I'll let you guys see her but visits are limited we dont want to overwhelm her to much"

With that being said they all followed her to Peyton room where Peyton was just looking outside the window, she turned around when she heard foot steps and gave a small smile when she seen them there and then tears started running down her cheek. Her dad was the first one to hug her and he was crying too. "Dad your here!" she said in between cries "Of course I am sweetheart I would never leave you alone during something like this." Larry stepped aside and then Brooke hugged her "P. Sawyer you scared me there for a minute." Brooke said laughing crying. "You said you would disown me if I left without permission" Peyton said causing all of them to laugh. "You know it" Brooke said laughing then stepped aside, but not before asking Larry if he would accompany her to get some coffee from the cafeteria.

As they left Lucas stood there unable to move he looked at her and once again felt guilty, "It not your fault you know that right" Peyton said after a while of silence. She was looking at him the whole time while he just starred at the floor, she held her hand out so he could take it, he took it after a while and hugged her with tears running down his cheeks "Im so sorry Peyton you wouldn't be here if it wasnt for me because of Anna how could I have been so blind to not see it" he said. She pulled away from him so now their foreheads were touching "Listen to me Lucas Scott this was not your fault none of it and I dont want to hear another word about it" she didn't let him respond because she kissed him. He was surprised that at first he stood there until he kissed her back...


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