Chapter 40:

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*Lunch Time*

Peyton was sitting next to  Lucas while Brooke was sitting next to Julian were sitting down in the library trying to come up with a plan to get Haley and Nathan together finally. Lucas had a free period before lunch so he had a off campus pass so he decided to get them lunch and meet them in the library. "So do we have any ideas yet to get Naley together?" Brooke said as she ate salad. Lucas and Peyton looked at each other "Umm Brooke what the hell is a Naley?" Lucas asked confused as hell. "Not an it dummy it Nathan and Haley's name combined" Brooke explained.

"Brooke I know that Im going to regret asking this but do we have a name?" Peyton asked her Brooke nodded "Yup you guy are Leyton cute huh!!" Brooke said smiling. Lucas couldn't help but laugh and Peyton was blushing. "Well okay count me in I know I hardly know the but Im willing to help out" Julian said which made Brooke squeeze his hand in appreciation. So spending all of lunch they finally had a plan going and the bell rang so while Lucas and Julian threw away the trash Peyton and Brooke stood behind.

"Im glad there is no weirdness" Peyton said and Brooke looked at her confused "Us, with Lucas" Peyton said. Brooke put her hand around Peyton's shoulder, "P. Sawyer I told you there would be no weirdness between us Im really glad I could tell that he makes you happy and that makes me happy and plus Im really into Julian maybe he is the right guy for me who knows Im just happy" Brooke said as they walked to their next class.

"Haley... Haley wait up for me" Peyton said as she ran towards Haley. Haley turned around and saw Peyton so she stopped walking. "Hey what's up?" Haley asked her. "Um what are you doing this afternoon?" "Um nothing other then do homework and I have to work at the café." Haley explained. "Okay well Ill pick you up after your shift because I have a few errands to do and I wanted you to come along with me" Peyton said. Haley wanted to say no but she didn't want to disappoint her so she nodded in agreement. So Peyton gave her a ride home and then went to do everything for their master plan.

*4 Hours Later*

Peyton sat in her car which was parked in front of the café and she was typing away while waiting for Haley that she didn't even noticed that Haley had entered her car. "Hey its so cold outside." Haley said as she rubbed her hands together. peyton put her phone away and turned on the heater and drove off. "So where are we going?" Haley asked her once Peyton drove, "Were actually meeting Brooke at her favorite boutique." Peyton said and Haley just nodded not saying another word.

They got to the boutique after 5 minutes later and they parked outside of the boutique, they both got out of the car and were walking towards the boutique "Oh shit I forgot something in the car ill meet you inside" Peyton said as she walked back to her car while Haley walked inside the store. When Peyton seen her in the store she started her car and drove off. Haley stood there in the entrance and started to get worried about Peyton and she didn't see Brooke in the store so she walked out and seen that Peyton's car was not in the same spot.

"Hello?" Peyton answered her phone as she was waiting on a red light "Where are you at?" Haley asked her. "There was actually a change of plans gotta go have fun oh look in your bag bye" and with that Peyton hung up and continued driving. She got to Lucas place and went up to his room seeing him on his bed reading. "Hey" she said as she stood there just looking at him. He put the book down and smiled at him and patted the bed so she walked over and laid down next to him. He turned to face her and kissed her on the cheek "So did you leave Haley?" she smiled and started laughing and nodded "Yeah I cant wait to hear about it tomorrow even thought I know she will be upset about it." Peyton said.

"I really hope our plan works but I think you forgot about something" Lucas said. She looked at him confused "What?" he smiled at her "My kiss its been forever since we last kissed" he said which made Peyton laugh "Well since you did help out with the plan I think you do deserve a reward" she said as she gave him a quick peck on the lips. He looked sad "Oh no you don't that does not count come her" he said as he pulled her closer to him and kissed her.

They were in a heated make out session when Lucas door opened and there walked in Brooke with Julian. Lucas immediately got off of Peyton and they both sat down "Oh Im so sorry I didn't want to interrupt anything" Brooke said covering her eyes. "No its okay what's up?" Peyton asked her. Julian couldn't help but laugh. "We just wanted to know if you guys wanted to go out and eat with us but I see you guys a little busy right no so we'll just let you continue" Brooke said as she started walking out but Peyton stopped her "No of course we weren't busy and I could really eat right now Im starving" she said slightly embarrassed. "Okay then we'll wait for you guys in the car hurry up" Brooke said as she walked hand in hand with Julian outside.

"Well that wasnt embarrassing at all" Peyton said lowly but Lucas heard her, "Come on let go so we can come back and finish what we started" he said winking at her which caused her to smile and they both walked out hand in hand also. After eating they walked around town and decided to get some ice cream and then Julian and Brooke dropped them off. "Why don't you stay here the night?" Lucas asked her once they were back in his room. She looked at him "Nothing will happen don't worry it's just that its late and your all alone at home look I even sleep on the floor just stay the night" he said.

She thought about it for a minute and agreed "But I don't have any clothes" she said, he walked over to his drawer and pulled out a shirt for her here you can change in here I'll be back" he said as he walked out of his room and closed the door behind him. After a few minutes he knocked on the door and when Peyton said it was alright he walked back in the room dressed in his pajamas. He smiled at her as she was already under the sheets in his bed he walked over and got a pillow "What are you doing?" she asked him. "Im sleeping on the floor" he said.

She shook her head and reached over and held his hand "Don't be silly Luke this is your bed I should be the one sleeping on the floor" she said starting to get off the bed but he shook his head "You will not your my guess so your sleeping on the bed" he said. She smiled at him "How about we both sleep on the bed but no funny business" she said. He laughed at that and shook his head "No funny business" and with that he climbed in the bed and got himself comfy. She turned so her back was now facing him and scooted near him.

He hugged her as his hand rested on her waist "You know I never would have thought we would be like this last year heck not even last month" he as he rested his head on the neck of her shoulder. She couldn't help but smile as he was kissing her. "I would never think about us being together must less be here with you but Im glad we are" she said as she turned to face him and kissed him. If it were up to him he would have kissed her last night but he could tell that she was tired so he pulled her closer to his chest and the fell asleep right away...



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