Chapter 29:

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They stayed there for a few minutes just looking at each other. "This... this wasn't suppose to happend" Peyton finally said. Lucas was confused he finally had the nerve to kiss her and he knew she wanted to too, and now she was said it wasn't suppose to happen.

"What do you mean? I wanted to kiss you and its pretty obvious that you wanted to kiss me to so what the problem?" He asked confused.

"The problem is that you have asked girlfriend Brooke remember her and then you kiss me that's why and Im..." but she stopped before she could say more. "Your what? Your with that new guy Felix"

Peyton didn't say anything because she really didn't know what her and felix were. "That doesn't matter Lucas the point is that you have a girlfriend and you have to respect that as much as I hate that Brooke and I aren't friends anymore that doesn't give me a right to do this so forget about this because I already did"

Then they heard the door handle again. This time a group of men ran in. The police were checking to see if there were students inside. Then they seen them sitting down and told them that they were going to take them outside safe and sound.

They followed the police outside and seen a group of parents standing there. Lucas immediately seen his mom and uncle Keith he ran to them. Peyton felt a bit sad seeing that no one wpuld be there waiting for her.

She was walking to her room when she heard her name being yelled by someone she turned around and saw Haley running towards her. They embraced in a hug. "Im so glad your okay I was worried about you" Haley said.

Peyton forced a smile "im okay i was in the library when evrrything happend how about you?" "I was in the tutor center and not only that I was in there with Nathan"

Peyton couldnt believe what she was hearing. "Yea well I was in the library with none other then Lucas" Neither of them could believe their luck. They turned to see both Scott brothers together starring at them. Then they seen Rachel and Brooke go up to them and hugged them.

All four people were looking at Peyton and Haley when Jake and Felix showed up. They hugged each other glad that the day was over all four got in Peytons car and drove off.

Peyton really wanted to tell Haley about the kiss with Lucas but had to wait to drop off the guys. The guys had offered to go eat but the girls said no they werent really hungry after what happend.

Peyton dropped the guys off and decided to go to her house. But before they went to her house they went to Haleys house so she could pick some clothes since she was going to spend the night at Peytons.

They got to Peytons house and sat on her bed. "Ive been dying to tell you all afternoom I was in the library when the whole shooting happend but i wasnt alone I was with Lucas and we... we kissed" Peyton blurted out

Haley was speechless "Did you like the kiss?" Haley asked. Peyton couldnt help but smile "yea but..." Peyton got sad. "But his with Brooke." Haley said knowing what she meant.

Peyton nodded "yea" They didnt speak for a few minutes until Haley talked. "Well your not the only one with the eventful afternoon I was in tutor center but i wasnt alone I was with the other Scott brother."

Peyton was now the one that was speechless. "You were in the tutor center with Nathan." Haley nodded "yea but not only that I also kissed him." Peyton looked at her she knew Haley was confused.

"And you stopped because he also has a girlfriend" This time Haley was the one to nod. "I just find it really weird that they both decide to declare their love go us. I dont trust them and I feel lile Brooke and Rachel are behind this."

haley thought for a moment taking in Peytons words. "I think your right from now on we keep our distance from them" after that they fell asleep...

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