Chapter 39:

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*Next Day*

Peyton was getting ready for school she couldn't even sleep the night before because she kept on thinking about her kiss with Lucas and not only that but what happened as nothing she was expecting but she still wasnt sure if she made the right choice. You see after their brief make out session last night Lucas had asked her to be his girlfriend and she didn't hesitate and immediately said yes. Afterwards they kept their make out session going. After she had gone home the first person she wanted to tell was Brooke but she was still a bit weirded out by the whole situation of them being ex boyfriend and girlfriend. So instead she called Haley and told her the great news.

Peyton had to hold her phone away from her ear from the screaming coming from Haley, "Haley calm down please" Peyton said laughing quiet a bit. "Im sorry but I'm so happy for both of you it was about time" Haley said. Peyton couldn't help but laugh "How about you? what has happened with Nathan and what happened with Jake?" Peyton asked her trying to change the subject. Haley let out a long sigh "There was nothing to begin with Jake and with Nathan I honestly don't know I mean Im still tutoring him and all but we haven't talked much about us or I don't even know if there is a us."

Peyton could tell that her friend was a bit upset about the whole situation with Nathan and since Haley helped her out she was determined to help her out with her problem. But she would need some help from some people and she knew exactly who she would ask. But before she could even ask Brooke for a favor she had to tell her about Lucas something she was putting off but if she wanted to help Haley she would have to tell her.

So she got ready and headed over to Brooke's but was surprised when she seen Brooke walking out of her house but she wasnt alone she was walking towards her car with a guy that she never seen before. "Could this be the guy that Brooke had slept with the other day?" Peyton asked herself. She shook the thought and walked up to Brooke. "P. Sawyer what are you doing here?" Brooke asked her as she seen her. Peyton smiled at her "Um I actually came to talk to you about something and to ask you for a favor" Peyton said nervously.

"Okay oh um Peyton this Julian Baker he just moved in next door, Julian this is my best friend Peyton Sawyer, hang on a minute let m just talk to her wait for me in my car" Brooke said as she tossed him her keys and walked over to Peyton "What happened you look nervous" Brooke said. Peyton just nodded her head "I am actually I don't know how to tell you this Im actually kind of scared of your reaction" Peyton said and Brooke could tell it had to do with Lucas so instead of waiting for Peyton to tell her Brooke knew already so she said it.

"Your here to tell me that Lucas asked you to be his girlfriend and you accepted but you don know how to tell me" Peyton looked at her with wide eyes how on earth did she know. Brooke couldn't help but laugh "Peyton I told you already its okay I am over Lucas trust me way over him" Brooke said as she looked over Peyton's shoulder as she looked at Julian who was in the drivers seat. [Peyton let out a sigh of relieve she knew Brooke had told her that before but she just wanted to make sure that it wouldn't be awkward.

"So what is the favor that you want to ask for?" Brooke asked her. "Okay so I don't know if you know this but I guess Nathan and Haley have a thing for each other but their to afraid to admit it s I was hoping that you can help me out with them." Brooke smiled immediately nodded her head "Of course I'll help you know I like to help anything for love especially for them to I really see that Nathan has changed I it has to do with tutor girl." Brooke said. Peyton couldn't help but just laugh and shake her head, she really missed her best friend.

"Okay then how about we meet up after practice today and we'll think of a plan I'll let you go now so you can be with your boyfriend now" Peyton said and laughed when she seen Brooke gasped. "He is not my boyfriend." Brooke said. Peyton just nodded "right if you say so." Peyton said still laughing and walked away to her car. She got to school and parked and got off and headed to look for Haley.

She walked to her locker first to get her book for class and was surprised to see Lucas standing there waiting for her. "Hi girlfriend" Lucas said smiling. She couldnt help but blush a bit hearing him call her his girlfriend she never thought that she would be his girlfriend in a thousand years. "Hi boyfriend" she said as he leaned in to kiss her on the lips.

"So I would have totally picked you up today to come to school today but I had an important errand to do before you got here." Lucas said and she looked at him confused. He pointed to her locker, she looked at him more confused and then she opened her locker. She gasped when she seen inside her locker "Lucas you pimped out my locker!" She said looking at him now. He just nodded "Do you like it?" He asked her worried that she didnt.

She smiled and leaned in to kiss him "I love it thank you boyfriend" she said smiling. She looked over to her lockef again and smiled as she seen the pictures they had taken just a day before the locker was black. And now only that there was also Lucas+Peyton=Leyton in red letters. Once again she turned to face him "Leyton?" She looked at him. He couldnt help but chuckle "Yeah apparently thats are name combined what everybody is calling us" Lucas explained.

Once again Peyton blushed. Not only did she kiss him but she also hugged him, 'Thank you but now I also have to pimp out your locker" they both laughed. "Sounds like a plan come on lets go to class before were late" he said as he put his arm around her shoulder and she put her arm around his waist. They walked into class to see Haley talking to Skills, and Mouth, and of course Rachel sitting on Felix's lap.

When Rachel seen them she rolled her eyes and Lucas could see Felix get angry as he seen his fist go into a ball. Peyton just walked passed them towards Haley and the guya ignoring Rachel's glare. The finale bell rang right when Brooke walked in with Nathan and Julian. "Okay guys we have a new student today please welcome Julian Baker to class." Mrs. Mendoza said Brooke smiled. Then the teacher noticed that most of the students had changed seats.

"Well well looks like you guys decided to change seats will this stay like this or in a few weeks everyone will decide to change seats again?" Mrs. Mendoza asked. Everyone looked around. Brooke was sitting next to Julian, in back of them Peyton was sitting with Lucas next to them was Skills and Bevin, in front of them was Haley and Nathan. In the back Mouth was sitting next to Jake and next to them was Rachel and Felix. And the rest of the students, "Please no more moving" the teacher finished and started her lesson for the day...

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