Chapter 14:

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They got to her house and seen Haley sitting in the door step. Peyton opened the door and they walked over to her room.

"Luke I was so worried about you where the hell have you been?" Haley asked him. Peyton smiled hearing Haley because even though she could hear the severe tone there was a bit of worried tone in there too.

"After leaving the cafe I was walking home when this truck pulled up beside me and all or a sudden they left me out there in the middle of nowhere Im lucky that Peyton happen to be there to save me" Lucas told Haley.

"I cant believe that happen to you Luke." Haley said in disbelief. "Luke I think you should call your mom and Brooke" Peyton said after a moment of silence.

"Yea your probably right Ill call my mom oh um I dont have my phone can I borrow your phone Hales" he asked her and she handed him her phone.

"We'll let you call can you come down with me Haley?" Peyton said letting Lucas make his calls in her room. "Peyton I need a favor please Can I borrow your car? Ill be right back"

Peyton gave her her keys without asking her anything. Peyton knew that Haley would tell her when she wanted to.

"Hey wheres Haley I was hoping that you could drive us home if its not to much trouble" he asked her. "No its not but it would have to be until Haley comes back"

"Did she say where she went?" He asked her as he sar besides her on the couch. She just shook her head. She immediately got nervous as soon as he say next to her.

*Nathans House*
Nathan had just finished watching a basketball game and was about to take a shower when he heard the doorbell ring.

He was expecting his friend Tim but when he opened the door he couldnt believe who was standing there. "Haley what are you doing here?" He asked confused.

"I cant believe what you did to Lucas, you may not like him but his your brother and now teammate he didnt deserve what you did to him" she went off on him.

"It was a prank kind of a welcome to the team prank" he said trying to convince her. "I want all these pranks to stop Nathan" he couldnt help but laugh.

"No offense Haley but your order really doesnt scare me if he couldnt handle it he shouldnt have never joined the team"

"Im serious Nathan your going to stop harassing Lucas already" she said more annoyed by his attitude. "If I dont what are you going to do?" He asked now intrigued.

"More like what I wont dont, If you dont stop then I wont tutor you" she said. "Your going to tutor me?" He asked. "Yes but under two conditions if you do my accept then I wont."

Nathan knew he wasnt going to like her conditions but he had to accept because if his father found out he was failing he would never life to forget it.

"Fine what are they" he said. "First you leave Lucas alone I mean it no pulling pranks nothing Nathan" she said. "Okay then whats the second?" He asked annoyed that he had to given into her demands.

"Second nobody is to find out about me tutoring you eapecially Lucas so do you accept my conditions?" He remained quiet for a minute thinking.

"Fine I accept thank you Haley" he said smiling. "Lets just see how this first lesson go by the way it starts tomorrow 7am at the docks" she said and walked away...

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