Chapter 9

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It might have seemed like Nathan had everything. Two parents, a girlfriend, and caption of the basketball team. But even though he hated to admitted it his life was not perfect.

Yes he might have had two parents but his mom Deb was hardly ever at home, she was always working she would usually be home half a month.

And Dan was always hard on Nathan. He made Nathan get up at 6 in the morning to run, and to practice basketball. All they ever would talk about ia basketball.

Dan would get mad at Nathan if he would loose a game. And made Nathan practice much harder. Nathan was kind of jealous of Lucas because he didnt have Dan in his life. Lucas had a loving mother and a great uncle.

Nathan would see the way Lucas looked at Peyton and he knew he liked her and he wasn't going to let him get in between peyton and him.

*Present Time*
"No Nathan what i said earlier is true I dont want to be with you" Peyton said.

"Fine you know what Im not going to beg your you'll be back when you not PMS" Nathan said and walked away.

"P. Sawyer what is going on with you seriously? I want to understand whats going on but I cant if you dont tell me whats up?" Brooke said as they were hanging out in Peytons room.

"Im just tired of everything Brooke, Nathan's bs im tired of breaking up every other week Im done with him" Peyton explained.

"Well then we have to get you a new boyfriend then" Brooke said as she snapped a picture of them both. "No Im done with relationships their to messy" Peyton said.

Peyton wanted so bad to tell Brooke about how she was starting to feel about Lucas but stopped when Brooke started to talk again.

"So I was thinking of having a party at my place tomorrow but of course only the popular kids only" Brooke said as she took out her phone.

"By popular you mean jocks and cheerleaders only right?" Peyton said. Brooke gave her a smirk. "I was also thinking of inviting Lucas" Brooke said smirking.

"Lucas? Why him?" Peyton asked nervously. "Well is his part of the basketball team now and he is kind of sexy" she said laughing.

"Well I got to go see you tomorrow." Brooke said and left. Peyton felt bad she liked Lucas and now her best friend did too.

*Next Day*
Peyton stopped at Karens cafe. She seen Lucas and Haley eating as she walked in. "Peyton" Haley signaled her to go over when she seen her.

"Hey guys" Peyton said as she sat down with them. "Hi" Lucas said smiling at her. "So listen theres a party at Brookes place tomorrow if you guys want to come" Peyton said.

"Umm.. I dont know about that I mean it would be a little weird" Haley said. "Im in" Lucas said which caught both girls offguard. Peyton couldnt help but smile.

"Okay its settled then come on lets go to school" Peyton said and then they all got up and got in Peytons car. They got to school and Nathan couldnt believe what he was seeing all three of them getting out of her car.

Nathan seen how Haley hugged Lucas goodbye and walked away from Peyton and him. "Hey Tim who is she?" Nathan as his friend he was now curious of Haley.

"Thats Haley James, shes a tutor here and I guess Lucas best friend but they look more then friends." Tim told him.

Nathan couldnt help but smile. He just thought of a plan to get back at Lucas...

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