Chapter 41:

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*A Month Later*

Peyton sat in the library trying to study for her big finale, it was currently lunch time and she needed to study so that's why she was alone study, but she couldn't study she keep on thinking about the last month it had gone by so fast, after setting Haley and Nathan to that date that night things had just worked out on there own. Nathan had asked Haley to be his girlfriend and she accepted and they have been happy ever since.

It was now the middle of May and in 3 weeks they would be off for summer vacation. As for Brooke and Julian well they were still undecided well technically Brooke was Julian wanted to make his relationship official but Brooke was having a difficult time with that. Yes she liked Julian but she wasnt sure if she wanted to be in relationship quiet yet she wanted to have fun and she thought that if she was in a relationship she wouldn't be able to do that. Peyton couldn't help but laugh just thinking about how Brooke and Julian would always be arguing but then 5 minutes later they were making out.

"ughhh!!! I cant believe that whore just got here and she thinks she owns the whole school and then Julian actually is out there and she's clinging on to him what makes him think that I am alright with this doesn't he know that I..." but Brooke stopped herself before saying anything else. "Doesn't h know what Brooke?" Peyton asked her she knew what Brooke was trying to say but she wanted Brooke to say it out loud. Brooke shook her head "Never mind it wasnt important" she said sitting down across from Peyton.

"Brooke your my best friend so what Im about to say is because I love you so here goes, If you like Julian you shouldn't hide your feelings because just like Alex some other girl can just come and is going to be intersed in Julian and she wont be afraid to show her feelings for him and as much as the kid likes you if he feels like he isn't getting anywhere near you liking him then he will eventually move one and I see how much he likes you so give him a chance before its too late." and with that she walked away so Brooke could think about it. As she walked out of the library she seen Julia walking with the new girl Alex in the hallways and she thought this would be the best time to talk to Julian.

"Hey Julian can I talk to you really fast?" Peyton asked him as she walked up to them. He smiled at her and nodded "Of course" and then Peyton walked a little further so Alex wouldn't be able to hear their conversation. "What happened?" he asked her. "I know this is none of my business but Brooke is my best friend and Im only looking out for her, Brooke build this wall so she wouldn't get hurt anymore I mean you must know about her parents that have not been around and when they are they are other here to criticize her and then she had some other friends who only there with her because she was popular but didn't care about her and then she really hasn't had the best of luck in the romance department" she said referring to her and Lucas.

"Anyways Brooke thinks that she doesn't need anybody and she will be okay alone but she wont she tries to act like she is tough and she is but she cant really express herself deep down she is just scared of falling for someone and then getting hurt so please if you really like her please please don't give up on her because she is to precious to ever let her down so with that I will leave thank you for listening to me" She said and with that she left. As she walked away she seen Julian just standing there dumbfounded. She was only hoping that her words actually help things between Julian and Brooke. She walked outside tot he squad to see Nathan sitting next to Haley as they were laughing with Skills and Bevin, Mouth with his new girlfriend who actually was Alex sister Millicent and they looked so cute together.

As Peyton was looking at the scene in front of her she didn't even notice that Lucas was standing next to her, until she felt a hand around her waist "Hey I thought you were going to be in the library." he whispered in her ear. She turned around to face him and smiled as he was holding a cup holder with two drinking in it. "First off is one of those drinks for me?" she asked him pointing to the drinks. He laughed and nodded "Yes of course Vanilla Bean Frappuccino" he said handing her the drink. "Have I told you that your the best boyfriend ever!!" she said as she gave him a quick peck on the lips. "No not lately but its so nice to hear" he said laughing as they sat down on a bench near them. "Well yes I was in the library but Brooke was having guy problems so I left her there to think about what she wanted to be with Julian and I also had a little chat with Julian."

In that moment she seen Julian walking out of the building with Alex's arm linked in his and they were walking towards the parking lot. Lucas looked at Peyton confused she just kept looking at them as they left in Alex's car. Then she seen Brooke coming out of the same building. "Oh boy this is not going to end good." Peyton said as she seen Brooke walking towards them but they were surprised to see her smiling. "And why would the famous Brooke Davis be smiling about?" Lucas asked her and Peyton was smiling as she was glad that he didn't bring up what had just happened just a minute ago. "Well thanks to this one right here convinced me what to do and now Im ready but I just have to look for Julian have you guys seen him? I've been looking all over for him but I cant find him."

Peyton and Lucas looked at each other unsure if they should tell her where and who he was with but they decided that it would better if they didn't maybe there was a good reason for him to be leaving with Alex. "No haven't seen him maybe his studying for the finals" Peyton before Brooke could even say anything because the bell rang, which Lucas and Peyton got up immediately because they couldn't lie to Brooke anymore and were thankful since they had the same class so they walked away from Brooke. "Do you think we should have told her or at least me I am her best friend?" she asked Lucas as they got to class and they sat down in there seats. "Look I cant tell you what to do but I wouldn't tell her let her talk to Julian and hopefully he has a good explanation to why he left with Alex but I think Brooke needs to hear it from him."

As much as she hated to admit it she knew he was right so she dropped it and then they started talking again. "So I don't know if you know but tomorrow is the big game against the pirates for the finale game to state and it is tradition for the basketball players girlfriend to wear their home jerseys and I was wondering if..." but he didn't get to finish when Haley and Nathan walked in and over heard their conversation. "Wow kind of slow there don't you think Luke you should have asked her days ago considering that the game is tomorrow." Nathan said as they sat in front of them. Peyton couldn't help but laugh "Of course I will" Peyton said giving him a kiss on the lips before class began. She looked forward to Haley "How about you Haley you wearing your boyfriends jersey?" Peyton asked her even though she knew the answer.

Haley nodded "yup kind have to you know to keep all those girls that think that they have a chance with Nathan Scott away from him." she said looking at Nathan, which caused Peyton and Lucas to laugh, "My girl is a feisty on I like it" Nathan said clearly joking around. Haley smacked him on his arm. The day finally ended and after agreeing to get together with Lucas in a while a the café she headed home. She walked up the stairs and was unlocking her door when she heard someone call her name behind her, she turned around and was surprised to see who it was...




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