Chapter 22:

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"What the hell was that Haley?" He asked upset. "What was what? Me defending myself from those..."

"Dont even say it Haley, why dont you get to know them their much better people then they actually look maybe if you werent so closed minded you could get along with them" he ranted off.

"First off why should I play nice you see how they treat me and im the one thats suppose to play nice no Im sorry but Im not a hypocrite and yes they are what I think they are they cut Peyton off because she said the truth even though they say different I know the real reason and third what you and Nathan are friends now"

"No you only see what you want to see with Brooke its easy I have fun with her and yeah Nathan and I have been talking lately and he told me about Peyton so excuse me if I dont want to deal with her drama and maybe their right I dont know why were friends"

His last words hurt Haleys feelings she couldnt believe what he just said. "You know what your right I dont like the person your becoming Lucas so dont ever talk to me again" she said and walked away from him.

He walked back in and told Nathan and the girls what had happend. Nathan didnt tell them but he felt bad for Haley. This time that he had been with her he was starting to have some feelings for her but he couldnt admit it thats why he was having fun with Rachel.

His uncle Keith was now sitting by them and had heard what had happend and couldnt believe his nephew was fighting with Haley.

To Lucas Keith was more than his uncle he was his father figure. And it so happens that his mother had started dating Keith. Lucas knew his uncles loved his mom for a long time but now that they were together he hoped they would get married soon.

"Lucas can I have a word with you before you go to school" he said as he seen the group of teen getting up to leave. Lucas looked at them and asked if they could wait outside.

"Luke now Im not trying to tell you what to do but dont you think that your friendship with Haley is worth more then..." Keith said pointing to his friends outside.

"Keith please I know what im doing Haley has changed so much I hardly recognize her look I gotta go see you later" And with that being said he left.

*Peytons House*
Haley had went over to Peyton house to see how she was doing. She walked in the room to see her curled up in a ball underneath her blankets.

"Not doing so good huh" Haley said nearly scaring Peyton as she sat down. "How would you feel if you were to tell the guy you liked the truth a he responds with oh and your bestfriend hates you too"

Haley remained silent "im sorry Haley Im just not in the mood to talk about my feelings anymore" Peyton apologized. "Its fine I understans are you going to school?"

Peyton shook her head "no I cant stand all eyes on me so Im going to stay in bed all day"

"Well mind if I join I got in a big fight with Lucas today and I really dont feel like seeing him"

"Oh Haley if you got in a fight with him because of me you shouldnt have"

Haley immediately shook her "no it wasnt because of you actually yes and no" Haley told Peyton everything that happend at the cafe.

Peyton couldnt believe what Haley just told her. "Ok lets not dwell on that whole drama lets just enjoy our day" Peytom said changing the subject.

"Peyton I totally forget todays our last day to work on our project in class because we have to turn it in tomorrow and we left Jake all alone."

"Dont worry Ill text him to come by later on" Peyon said immediately grabbing her phone.

After she texted him they watching movies, painted their nails, and they ended up dancing listening to music...

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