Chapter 17:

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The bell rang dismissing the class to their next class. "Ill see you later broody" Brooke said giving Lucas a kiss on the cheek.

"So Nathan i was thinking how about you come over my house and we can have a little fun and get better acquainted" Rachel said as they were walking out of class.

Nathan couldnt help but smile. "Ill be there" he said and walked away. Rachel smiled as she walked to her next class. Peyton and Haley were behind them and heard everything.

"Oh god just what this school needed a slut who likes to sleep around" Peyton said. She was glad that she and Haley had about 4 classes together.

"Im sorry I know it must hurt" Haley said. Peyton looked at her "No not at all I told you Haley I was never truly in love with Nathan its just that new girl Rachel gets on my nerves." She as they entered to their next class and sat next to each other in the back.

"Have you talked to her?" Haley asked her. "Like talk talk no but she came to practice the other day pretty much trying to be a cheerleader and started problems with Brooke when she told her that there was no positions open that she would have to try out next year"

"How'd she take it?" Haley asked now intreged. "Not so good she told Brooke that she would be sorry and would end up begging her to join she tried to hook up with Lucas" Peyton said.

Haley had her eyes wide open now. "She what!?!" Haley couldnt believe it. "Yea right in front of Brooke and Brooke freaked out and ended up bitch slapping her." Peytn started laughing just remebering that day.

"So I know you rally dont like to talk about it but whats been going on with you and Lucas?" Haley asked her changing the subject.

"We talk here and there but he really spends all his time with Brooke and since hos best friend is spending all her time with his brother" Haley looked at Haley horrified.

"How did you know?" Haley asked completely terrified. "Relax Haley I havent told anyody and I kmow because Ive been out to the docks a few time in the morning to get coffee and see you two there what going on with that?"

Haley couldnt believe it. "Ill tell you but you have to swear not to tell Luke" she said. "I swear whats going on?" Peyton asked her. So Haley told her everything and her conditions to help Nathan out.

"Am I crazy for doing this?" Haley asked her. Peyton shrugged "i dont know do you feel like its crazy? Better yet has Nathan stopped harrasing lucas? Because if he has then I guess its not that crazy" she said.

"At first I felt so guilty but little by little I seen that he really did need the help"
"I just hope Lucas never finds out." Peyton said in that moment Lucas walked up to them to hear the last part.

"I never find out about what?" He asked. Haley looked at him unsure what to say. "Thats Haleys been lying to you about why shes late in the morning" Peyton said, which caused Haley and Lucas to both look at her.

"You see the real reason why you havent seen Haley in the morning is because Im having trouble in geometry and Haley has been helping me she pretty much stays up the whole night to help me so that why she wakes up late and has to deal with her sister and then shes late" Peyton immediately lied.

Haley was so greatful for Peyton. "Why didnt you guys tell me I know that your all full tutoring Haley so if you want I can help you Peyton, Ill stop by your place tonight" Lucas said right when the teacher walked in.

Lucas went to his seat "thank you so much! You didnt have to do that" Haley said to Peyton. "No problem but you so owe me cause now I have to act dumb when Lucas comes over."

Haley and Peyton walked out of class when the bell rang. Peyton was going to give Haley a ride when one of their teachers called Haley because she had to talk to her.

"Haley I understand your tutoring Nathan Scott well I need you to help him tonight because I gave the class a test today and he got a D-" the teacher said.

Haley agreed but she knew Nathan was meeting Rachel tonight so she wasnt sure what to do. She was walking to Peytons car when she seen Nathan walking by.

"Nathan wait up" she said as she ran towards him. "So I guess we need to have a tutoring session today" she said.

"I cant today I already made plans" he couldnt help but smile just thinking about those plans. "Well Im sorry but Mrs. Mendez wants me to tutor you today because shes going to let you retake the test tomorrow, look Im not going to force you if you want come over my house today at 6pm" and with that she walked away.

She seen Peyton and Lucas talking by her car and they were laughing. She walked up to them "Hey you ready?" Peyton asled her and Haley nodded.

They all got in th car what they didnt know was that Brooke was acrually watching them for quiet some time and she was feeling jealous of how great Peyton and Licas got along...

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