Chapter 38:

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"Hey what's wrong you sounded pretty upset over the phone" Lucas said as he sat down on the bed next to Anna who was laying down. He could tell that she was crying "Come on tell me what's wrong?" he asked her when he seen that she was wiping away some tears. She sniffed a little before speaking "Okay fine I need to tell you something very important" she said as she sat up now.

He looked at her he was now wanting to know why was she crying, "I know that what I am about to tell you might change our friendship and you wont want to talk to me again but I need to tell you because I cant hold it in anymore" She stretched her arm out to him as she held on to his hands. "Lucas I like you, I've liked you since I could even remember since we were kids" she blurted out.

He was not expecting that he was speechless he didn't know what to say, he just stood there quiet. "Lucas please say something" Anna pleaded as she sat there in front of him. "I umm" but could still wrap his mind that she liked him, he had always seen her as his friend nothing more. Before he knew it she had leaned forward and had her lips with his, she was kissing her. He stood there unable to move, he didn't kiss her back but he also didn't stop her.

Until an image of Peyton came to his mind he got her by her shoulders and pushed her away a bit "Anna I like Peyton nothing can happen between you and I" he finally said. "But I know you like me by the way you look at me and the way you treat me I know that you must have some feelings for me but your obsession with Peyton doesn't let you see it." she said getting off the bed and walking over to him. He shook his head "No this has nothing to do with her its about me and you I only see you as a friend Im sorry I should leave" and with that he left her room before she could even say anything.

She fell back on her bed and tears started to roll down her cheeks. After a few good minutes of crying she stopped and got out of her bed and walked over to her mirror and wiped away the tears "Im going to fight for you Lucas Scott because even though you don't want to accept it I know you have feelings for me and Im going to win you over." She said to herself, she was determined to have Lucas to herself.

*Next Day*

Peyton decided that she had to have an honest conversation with Brooke, so she got up earlier then ever and got ready and headed over to Brooke's house to talk before going she gave Lucas an answer, she rang the doorbell and waited she knew Brooke wouldn't be up but she wasnt going to leave until they talked. After a few minutes of knocking Brooke answered the door, "Peyton what are you doing here?" Brooke asked and Peyton could tell that she had a few many drinks last night. Brooke let her in and they walked into the kitchen.

"Oh my head hurts so much" Brooke said as she served herself a cup of coffee "How much did you have to drink last night Brooke?" Peyton asked her, Brooke shrugged "I don't know I stopped counting after the 3rd one" Brooke said then Peyton heard a noise upstairs she turned to Brooke and Brooke just gave her a small smile "Do you have a boy upstairs?" she asked Brooke. Brooke just kept o drinking her coffee, Peyton couldn't help but laugh "Okay Ill take that as a yes so I get right to the point so you could go have some more fun after I leave" Brooke nodded in agreement.

"Last night I went on a date with Lucas at first I didn't know it was" Brooke gave her a confused look "Haley said she wanted to hang out after practice so we met up at the mall and then when I was inside she locked the door and Lucas was there waiting for me" Brooke let out a squeal of happiness. "That is so romantic who knew he had it in him" she said and Peyton couldn't believe what she was hearing she was Brooke would be a bit weirded out but she wasn't she was actually happy. "He asked me on a 2nd date" Peyton said and Brooke looked at her "And?" Brooke said waiting to hear the answer. "I told him that I would tell him today because I needed and wanted to talk to you"

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