Meeting Each Other

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Haley told Peyton where to drive. So Peyton drove her to Karens Café. Peyton parked right in front of the café Haley got out of the car and when she was about to close the door she looked at Peyton.

"Do you want to come in with me I mean unless you have something else to do?" Haley asked her. Peyton sat there thinking "Are you sure its okay I mean I dont want to interrupt anything" Peyton said.

Haley shook her head "Come one lets go" Haley insisted so Peyton got out of her car and followed Haley inside. "Haley we were starting to worry about you" Peyton seen an older woman with black curly hair say.

"Yea sorry I got caught up.. oh Karen this is Peyton, Peyton this is Karen" Haley said. Karen smiled at her "Hello" she said.

Peyton smiled back "hi" she said shaking hands with Karen. "I invited Peyton to stay for a while hope you dont mind" Haley said. Karen shook her head "No of course not the more the merrier, Lucas is upstairs waiting for you with Skills" Karen said.

Haley smiled and leaded Peyton uptairs to the roof. Peyton couldnt help but smile when she seen a gold course set up on the roof. "Wow" is all Peyton could say.

"Yea Lucas and I build this one day when we were little and evertime I beat him" Haley said. "You wish" Peytm heard someone say then she seen two guys walking up to them.

Haley laughed as she hugged the two guys. "Oh you guys this is Peyton, Peyton these two goofballs are Lucas and Skills" Haley introduced them.

"Hi" Peyton said as she kept looking at Lucas. Peytons phone began to ring. She took it out of her pocket and seen it was Brooke she ignored it. "The one and only Peyton Sawyer is with us right now I cant believe it" Skills said.

Peyton looked at him confused. "Excuse Skills but he is just shocked that there is another gil here." Lucass aid laughing. "Not just any girl Luke but its Peyton Sawyer popular girl, cheerleader" Skills said.

Peyton couldn't help but laugh just seeing how happy Skills was. "So what are you doing here Peyton Sawyer? Not that I mind" Skills said.

"You could just call me Peyton" she said laughing. "But I met Haley here and hit it off so here I am" Peyton said. Lucas just nodded.

They all played a game of golf for the next hour and every 10 minutes Peyton phone would ring so she decided to turn it off.

They all walked down to the café when Karen closed to eat dinner. They all ate dinner and after Peyton offered to take Haley and Skills home.

She took Skills home first then she took Haley. "So listen I know the only reason you hung out wit us today was because you didn't want to see Brooke and I get it if you say no but do you want to hangout with us tomorrow?" Haley asked her.

Peyton smiled and nodded. "I would love to are you going to the pep rally tomorrow?" Peyton asked her. Haley shook her head "Pep rallies arent really our thing"

"Great ill come by then after the game I would miss the game but I really can't you know me being a cheerleader" Peyton said. Haley laughed and they said goodbye...

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