Chapter 32:

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It was 4pm and Peyton and Haley had agreed to meet the guys at the golf n stuff around 4:30pm. Haley wanted to show off that she had a car already. Peyton couldn't help but laugh to see how happy Haley was. So Haley could drive Peyton now, they got to the golf n stuff 20 minutes later. "So Haley James will Jake be joining us after the banquet?" Skills asked as they were walking inside the arcade. Haley had been wondering that herself she wanted to call him all day but she figured that he would be busy. "I don't know last time I talked t him he said he was that as soon as the banquet was over that he would meet us." Skills just nodded he knew not to push the topic any further.

They had spent a hour in the arcade and had a bunch of ticket so they decided to turn in their tickets to get a prize and then head outside to play some mini golf. Before they knew it they had gone in team Haley and Mouth were against Peyton and Skills. before they knew it they had finally finished their game. Skills couldn't help but gloat after his win with Peyton, she only laughed. they had then got in the bumper cars and afterwards they got in the go karts. Skills of course had to make it a race. 5 laps around and the winner would get to have anything he or she want and the losers would have to buy them whatever, of course Skills only mention that because he thought he would win. "I cant believe I lost and especially to a girl"  Skills said upset.

Haley and Mouth couldn't help but laugh Peyton had won in record time while everybody was on their 3rd lap she was finishing her 5th lap. She was standing on the sidelines wait for them with a big old smile on her face. she they left the gold n stuff and decided to head to the town center. Peyton was in the mood of having some frozen yogurt from Yogurtland. they all got in the line and got their favorite yogurts. Peyton gave her yogurt to the cashier and Mouth was about to pay for them but Peyton stopped him "I wasn't really gonna let you guys pay for whatever I wanted but this time Skills will pay because he was the one with the idea so go ahead and charge him" Peyton told the cashier as she pointed to Skills.  They all started laughing expect Skills, they sat outside in the quad eating their yogurt. Thirty minutes had passed when they finished their yogurt, Haley started to get worried because Jake was suppose to me them since the banquet was over but she hadn't heard anything from him.

She had decided to call him to make sure he was okay but then in that moment Peyton shrieked, which caught the attention of all of them. "Felix is at Rachels party and not only him but Jake too" She said they were all confused because Jake was suppose to meet up with them afterwards. "Wait how do you know that?" they asked her. Peyton showed them the video that Bevin had posted in her profile, and that video she clearly seen Felix, Jake, Brooke, Rachel, Nathan, Lucas and some other people see knew.

Peyton couldn't take it and decided to go to the arty she needed to confront Felix and know what was going on with them. She wasn't exactly sure what they were, were they friends, friends with friends, or what it was all confusing. Haley didn't know what o but decided to go because even though her and Jake were nothing she needed to tell him that because she didn't want him to obligated to lie to her.

half an hour later they got to Rachel's house and seen  Brooke standing in the front with a cup in her had and flirting with a guy that was not Lucas. They walked passed her and inside. Brooke noticed them and immediately followed them "Peyton what are you doing here" She asked.

"Where's Felix I know his here I need to talk to him now" she said rather upset, Brooke looked a her and she knew that Brooke knew where he was ad she was gonna get the truth out of here the good way or the bad way. Brooke took her by her hand outside again "Look what I told you earlier I was being truthful I know you still don't believe me but Im sorry P. Sawyer I truly am, I broke up with Lucas" Brooke blurted out.

Peyton didn't know why she was telling her that "Because he likes you Peyton and I was only fooling myself to think we could actually work out together you two belong together" Peyton remained silent she didn't know what to say. "And about Felix its better if you see it for your own two eyes his upstairs to the right 3rd door to the left." And with that Brooke left inside and left Peyton standing there dumb founded.

Peyton waked up the stairs and turn to the right when she got to the top of the stairs and the stood in front of the 3rd door on the left side. she was hesitant on opening the door. Until she got enough strength and turned the  doorknob what she seen left her horrified.

"PEYTON!!" Felix said as he tried to get Rachel off him. But it was too late Peyton had seen them and was now running down the  stairs. on her way down she almost tripped but the good thing is that Lucas was close by and caught her. They looked into each others eyes but were disrupted by Felix who was now next to her.

"Hey man let her go, Peyton we need to talk" He tried to talk Peyton hand but she pushed him away "There's nothing to talk about its pretty clear what happened between you two" in that moment pretty much everybody's eyes were on them.

Then Peyton heard laughter coming from upstairs "Your so right Peyton before you burst in we were totally gonna do it tell her the truth Felix" Felix remained silent he didn't know what to say. He was caught and there was no way he could lie about it especially in front of everybody.

"Peyton I.." but instead he received a slap from her. "I never want to talk to you ever again" and with she walked away. Haley was about to go after her but Brooke stopped her and signaled Lucas to go after her. Haley understood and let him.

As much as she didn't like the person Lucas had become she knew he would be able to help her in this difficult time because as much as Peyton denied it she still had feelings for Lucas.  Rachel couldn't help but laugh at everything that happened Haley watched her walk down the stair to Felix and hold out her hand to him "Come on baby you don't need her when you have me I'm way better then her and Ill give you everything she would never give to you."

Everybody around them were expecting his next move, Haley was expecting him to  reject her but she took a hue surprise when he took her hand and they both went upstairs hand in hand. She turned around to see Nathan and Brooke standing there, she was going to say something but instead she looked over at Skills and Mouth and asked them if they were ready to go.

They looked at each other hey weren't ready but Haley was there only ride so they had to leave. "You guys can stay if you guy want" Brooke spoke up which cause them to look at her weird. "really? Yes I would.." Skills began but seen that Haley shaking her head. "Its okay you guys can stay here" Nathan now said as he took Haley keys and tossed them to Skills "Ill take Haley home" She began to protest but before she knew it Nathan was pulling her by her arm and Brooke was practically pushing them out the house.





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