Chapter 46:

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After 20minutes of crying in the restroom with Haley and Peyton hugging her Brooke wiped her tears away and Peyton and her decided that it was now time to leave, so all 3 of tem walked out decided to leave through the back door, so Haley waited in the kitchen with Brooke while Peyton went to tell Nathan and Lucas that she and Brooke were leaving. Lucas had insisted that he would drop them off of course Peyton denied but Lucas wouldn't take no for an answer. So Lucas was saying goodbye to his mom while Peyton was walking towards the back when someone stepped in front of her, Peyton rolled her eyes when she see who it was "Excuse me" Peyton said trying to make her way around Julian. "Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" he asked her.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" Peyton asked him, "Yes Julian Im mad at you actually pissed off at you I told you not to hurt Brooke and what's the first thing you do you hurt her why are you even her with her?" Peyton asked pointing to Alex who was sitting at a stool talking to some guys. "Peyton were friends she wanted to see that you were doing okay" Julian explained. "Yeah just friends okay, then if your just friends why would you be kissing her and in front of Brooke who is crazy about you but you had to go break her heart" Peyton was once again pissed off again after cooling off. "I tried Peyton I tried to be there for here but every time she would just pus me away" he tried to defend himself. "Yeah I told you that's what she does at first she doesn't let people in but you have to keep trying no stop when you cant handle it yes Brooke could be difficult to persuade but when she lets you in I guarantee you that you will not be able to believe how you lived without her" Peyton said.

Julian was speechless "She is the most loving person ever she cares about you she puts you first so excuse me but I have to go" Peyton's aid but once again Julian stopped her by standing in her way "I love Brooke I loved her since the first time we ever had a conversation, that was the moment I knew that she was different from every other girl and yes maybe I should have kept fighting for her instead of just giving up but I want to ix that mistake please Peyton help me" Julian said and Peyton remained silent thinking if she should or not. Then Julian called Alex over "I want to tell you in front of Peyton here I dont like you Alex and I told you many times the only girl for me is Brooke Davis so lease dont try anything you did earlier today because I will never look at you that way." Julian said leaving Peyton and Lucas who was standing behind her to hear Julian, Alex was clearly mad and walked out of the café. "Wow" was all Lucas said clearly shocked of what Julian did. "Please I love Brooke and I have a plan but I need your guys help" Julian said to Peyton and Lucas.

They looked at each other and looked back to Julian and smiled and nodded their heads, so Julian went and told them what his plan was, Lucas and Peyton both greed and Peyton went to the back with Haley and Brooke after saying goodbye to Haley Peyton and Brooke walked back to the car, "Sweetie you go to the back since Lucas will be driving just get some rest he'll be here soon" Peyton told Brooke as she was putting her in the back so she could lay back down. Brooke didn't say or do anything she was to tired to fight back she just nodded an drifted off the sleep while they waited. After a few minutes Lucas appeared and Peyton go out of the car very quietly to not wake up Brooke, she nodded towards Julian to tell him that it was safe to get in. So before they knew it he was driving off leaving them there standing on the street alone.

As they entered Peyton's bedroom they were both laughing, "Brooke is going to be pissed at us" Lucas said and Peyton laughed more "Yes at first but then after she will be thanking us" she said as she fell onto her bed she had to admit she was tired from everything that had happened. "You need to get some rest" Lucas told her as he laid besides her "Thank you" Peyton told him turning to face him, "For what?" he asked her confused. "For being there this whole time while I've been in the hospital you never left my side and still having left my side" Peyton said getting closer to him so she could hug him. "Babe I will always be here for you I love you and I dont plan on leaving your side" he said placing a kiss on her forehead. Peyton couldn't help but yawn "Now get some rest" he said chuckling. "Can you stay the night with me I really dont want to stay here alone" she said in a hush voice "Of course anything for you" Lucas said as he got up and walked around the bed and took of Peyton's shoes and placing her underneath the blanket.

Then he walked back around and took off his hoes and went under the blanket too and hugged her from behind so they were sleeping in spooning position. "I love you" Peyton said surprising him. "What?" he asked her thinking that he heard wrong. She now turned to face him "I said I love you Lucas Scott" his eyes widened realizing that he didn't hear wrong. He immediately smiled "I love you too Peyton Sawyer" he said as he leaned down to kiss her. You see Peyton and Lucas had not used the L word yet they wanted to wait until they knew that they were really sure about their feelings. "Your not just saying because I said it right?" Peyton asked once they pulled apart looking concerned. Lucas laughed "No Im not I really love you Peyton I love you and only you" he said as he once again leaned down to kiss her but this tie it wasnt just a kiss it was a kiss that left them breathless but stopped because they both needed rest today was a day that left them tired...



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